These are some photos of my collection of nonfiction works. Most are not for sale and were part of larger projects or were created for myself.

Wisdom Of The 21st Century (2023). An eighty page booklet I compiled from my personal philosophy and other things I've leaned in life. For personal use.

The Best Of The Best Dream Cars & Motorcycles (2023). A two hundred fifty page guide book, I wanted to see if I could put something together like this in less than a week. It ended up taking me five days at a fairly relaxed schedule. Although also not for sale, these projects serve as good practice and help with my general ability to author a book.

Antidote Seed's Ultimate Guide To Buying, Growing & Smoking Cannabis (2021). An eight hundred page grow guide and strain compendium that was spawned by my work with medical marijuana in California, circa 2013. For personal use.

Will McCoy's Guide To Grammar & Story Telling (2020). Written under the name of my pseudonym, this is a three hundred page workbook, study guide with practice margins for learning many of the ins and outs of the English language.

Northeast Forager's Manual (2020). A guide and collection of site maps for wild edible foraging. For personal use.

Rattlesnake & Copperhead Dens Of The Northeast (2019). My nonfiction magnum opus, this six hundred page guide book is primarily a collection of den sites for the timber rattlesnake and northern copperhead populations in New York and surrounding areas. It was a two year personal study involving over sixty hikes out into the field searching for new populations of snakes, filled with historical newspaper information, maps, personal photos and other data. Because of the sensitive information about these protected species, this book is not for sale and only several copies have been printed for select environmental consultants and the NYS DEC.