These are the biggest 5 publishers, which are the largest, longest withstanding presses, who not only publish books under their corporate names, but have conglomerates of small and mid-sized presses that they own and manage. It seems to safe say that most of the books published by these presses are going to be much more on the commercial spectrum, or at least with the intention of commanding high sales. Basically, being published by one of these guys is the dream of most aspiring authors, although very few authors make it to this level, and almost all that do require top agents negotiating the books deals.
PENGUIN RANDOM HOUSE - Includes Living Language, DK, Bantam, Viking, Doubleday, Vintage, Knopf and others.
HARPER COLLINS – Includes Harlequin, Avon, bourbon Street, Anthony Bourdain and others
MACMILLAN – Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Henry Holt, St Martin's Press, Tor/Forge, Imprint, Picador, and others
SIMON & SCHUSTER – Includes Avid Reader Press, Gallery, Howard, Signal Press, Pocket Star and others
HACHETTE - Includes Little, Brown and Co, Orbit, Purseus, Jericho books and others
Also known as small/medium sized presses, these guys are just as they are called, and the majority are owned by one of the big five publishers. Some of them, like Picador, do a fairly good job of publishing talented authors who may not make the cut for bigger presses, because their work may not be as commercially viable, as often these presses are qualified for introducing newer authors and are often an easier sell for agents, depending on the work and the author, but there are plenty of commercial authors who are published by the presses in this list. Some may also be approachable without an agent, although most of these guys require a seasoned agent to negotiate for you, similar to the big 5. This is an incomplete list of mid-sized presses, there are certainly some more.
ADAMS MEDIA – Division of Simon & Schuster, specializing in non fiction.
ALADDIN – Division of Simon & Schuster, specializing in culturally relevant books, with emphasis on YA and children’s books.
ALPHA – Mainly a publisher of educational books.
ALFRED A. KNOPF/DOUBLDAY – Publishes a wide array of books.
ANDREWS MCMEEL – Specializing in original voices.
AMISTAD – Devoted to multicultural voices.
AMACOM BOOKS – A division of Harper Collins, they publish various books.
AVID READER PRESS – A division of Simon & Schuster, these guys specialize in literary novels.
BALZER & BRAY – A division of Harper Collins.
BEACON PRESS – Focus more on multicultural books.
BELL BRIDGE BOOKS – Focus’s on Southern fiction.
BERKLEY – A division of Penguin Books, with emphasis on emerging talents in the literary world.
BLUE RIDER PRESS – A division of Penguin Books, publishes a multitude of authors in various genres.
BOURBON STREET BOOKS – A Division of Harper Collins, specializing in mystery, crime and thriller.
BROADSIDE BOOKS – A Division of Harper Collins.
BROADWAY BOOKS – A division of Doubleday and imprint of Crown Books, specializing in memoir, current affairs, politics, travel, adventure, and popular fiction.
CELADON BOOKS – Publishes a multitude of authors and titles.
CHRONICLE BOOKS – Based in San Francisco, they specialize in children’s, and adult fiction.
DAW - A division of Penguin Books, specializing in sci-fi and fantasy.
DELACORT PRESS – – A division of Penguin Books.
DEY STREET – A division of Harper Collins specializing in publicity books.
DRAGONFLY BOOKS – An Iowa based book publisher specializing in regional non-fiction and various genre based adult fiction.
DUTTON – A division of Penguin Books, specializing in commercial and literary fiction.
EMILY BESTLER BOOKS – A division of Simon & Schuster that publishes a variety of commercial fiction titles.
EVERYMAN’S LIBRARY – A British press that specializes in historical and genre based fiction.
FEIWEL & FRIENDS – A division of Macmillan, specializing in children’s fiction.
FIRST SECOND – Specializes in YA books.
FLATIRON BOOKS – An imprint of Macmillan Books, specializing in a small list of titles mainly from celebrities.
GALLERY - Specializing in Irish poetry and drama.
GLOBE PEQUOT PRESS – Specializing in history and non-fiction.
GOLDEN BOOKS – A division of Penguin Books specializing in children’s titles.
GRAYDON HOUSE - Mainly a publisher of women’s fiction.
GRAYWOLF PRESS – Publishing current voices in fiction.
HARMONY BOOKS – An imprint of Crown, mainly dedicated to publishing health, lifestyle, cooking and spirituality books.
KINGFISHER – Specializing in illustrated information books.
LITTLE BROWN & COMPANY/BACK BAY BOOKS – A division of Hachette Books, they publish a wide assortment of books.
LUCAS BOOKS – Specializing in Star Wars universe based fiction.
MINOTAUR – A division of Macmillan, publishing a variety of fiction titles from various genres.
PICADOR – A well known subsidiary of Macmillan, it touts itself as an author voice based publisher and is the publisher of Dennis Johnson’s Jesus’ Son, a great example of non-conventional story telling of high caliber that became a film based on the quality of the writing and story telling, even in the event of having a weaker plot.
PLUME – For feminist authors.
PUFFIN BOOKS – Focus mainly on children’s books.
QUEST BOOKS – An imprint of Theosophical Publishing House specializing in spiritual and health topics.
RAZORBILL – A division of Penguin Books, primarily focuses on YA novels.
REDHOOK PRESS – A smaller press based in Brooklyn that publishers more off beat fiction.
RELIQUARY PRESS – A smaller press geared toward promoting new authors.
ROARING BROOK PRESS – Mainly geared toward publishing books for children and teens.
SALAAM READS – Published books for and by Muslims.
SKYBOUND BOOKS – Publishes titles mainly related to comic books.
SNOWBOOKS – Publishes mainly game books.
ST MARTIN’S PAPERBACKS – A division of Macmillan that publishes various genres, seems to be geared toward children’s books.
TARCHERPERIGREE – A division of Penguin Books, specializing in self help books.
THRESHOLD – A smaller pressed geared toward publishing conservative authors.
TEN-SPEED PRESS – Specializes in publishing illustrated works and graphic novels.
TOR FORGE BOOKS – A division of Macmillan, focusing on sci-fi and fantasy.
VIKING BOOKS – A division of Penguin Books, publishes higher caliber fiction.
VINTAGE BOOKS – A division of Macmillan, focusing on sci-fi and fantasy.
WALDEN POND PRESS – – A Division of Harper Collins.
WEDNESDAY BOOKS – A smaller print press that specializes in more offbeat fiction.
This is the definitive list of commercial based small presses and online ebook sellers, complied mainly through the hard work of Piers Anthony. I rechecked a lot of his info, and only included the links that I found to be working. My understanding is that this is really for authors who are writing more commercialized genre based stuff, those fantasy, sci-fi, romance, and mystery books that fit right in with general run of the mill fiction you often see in stores. If you’re an aspiring writer who’s mastering the craft of completing these kinds of books and can’t find a traditional book publishing deal with an agent, etc – this may be the route for you. I think generally they mimic some of the same selling tactics of the larger publishers, but conduct a lot of their business online. This may make doing business with them more risky, particular for those not aware of all the contracts and rules, many of them have completely different formats and agreements. Proper homework may help you sort out who’s who and I recommend, if you use these sellers, to do the homework first, Piers Anthony’s research may be limited. Also, some of these smaller online presses might work if your fiction is less traditional, although I think most of them focus on lower quality genre fiction, and give the author more direct control than using the middleman of an agent and a larger press. Although I would highly doubt any of these authors are getting rich, or achieving mass coverage and press for these mainly non-stand out titles, this may be the route to go if you think self-publishing, where you have all the control, isn’t the answer, and it also seems like a good stepping stone to dealing with larger publishers and perhaps winning over an agent, particularly if you are writing very genre based commercial fiction. Here is a great link to an article at the swfa website that goes into some of the specifics of what to know first before you get involved with small presses:
ABERDEEN BAY - “Via PA: This is a traditional, mainstream, independent publisher that asked to be included in this listing. I try to cover electronic publishers, but will add others as they come to my attention if they seem to represent a viable market for writers. "Quality is our top concern. If your manuscript is truly outstanding, then we will publish your work regardless if you are a published author or not." They like to cultivate long-term relationships with their authors by providing them with dedicated editorial and marketing assistance. So this would seem to be a good place to be, if you have a good enough book. I was not able to learn much from their site, however.”
ATLANTIC BRIDGE PUBLISHING - “Via PA: There is a good audit clause. They are looking only for Paranormal at this time. They pay author's 45% of all download sales, quarterly, and buy electronic rights for one year. A satisfied writer tells me that they are easy to work with, and that they were #6 among best publishers as listed by Preditors & Editors in 2001. See also their hot romance imprint, Liquid Silver Books. Unfortunately submissions are closed.”
BEWILDERING STORIES - “Via PA: I was told about this, but haven't looked them up yet. They don't pay, but are responsive. My informant says they will accept anything.”
BLUE WOOD PUBLISHING — “Via PA: They were formed in mid 2009 by two authors, one a New Zealander, one English, to provide publishing services, particularly to brand new authors, because both founders had enormous difficulty getting accepted by existing publishers. So they are trying to do it right. They have been open only to story submissions, but are open for longer ones in March, 2010. they do not charge authors, and do pay royalties. They try to report in 4-8 weeks. They don't say what genres. They have changed their submission policy, no longer asking for complete manuscripts, and have dramatically reduced their list of restrictions. No formatting restrictions either, as long as it is a document type they can process. They have published 36 authors, cover a wide range of genres, and have seen dramatic growth in their second full year in operation. It looks from here as if they are doing something right.”
BOOKS TO GO NOW - “Via PA: New electronic publisher covering the major emarkets. They report only one desire:: to see great stories get the exposure they deserve. Horror, Thriller, Mystery, Erotica, Fantasy/SciFi, Fiction, Historical, Inspirational, Romance, Paranormal, Young Adult—50-50 split after editing, artwork, promoting.”
CAN WRITE WILL WRITE — “Via PA: They started out as a showcase website for authors to display their work, but now have branched into publishing. An author reports that they have been professional and helpful throughout. I don't have information on terms; it was a slow site. February 2009 update: If they like your work, a contribution of £100 to get started. They will post your work on their website for one year. Um, as publication goes, this is barely minimal. They are not charging authors anything to showcase their work. They have expanded their literary services. They now electronically publish books. "Anyone with a decent, completed, coherent book has a reasonable chance of obtaining an ePublishing deal with us. Free. We make our money taking a percentage of sales." They also supply editing and critique services. They have an interesting attitude. They publish about twelve books a year. If you feel you can ignore their requirements, but have a really positive attitude, you might persuade them to make it thirteen. They welcome new authors.”
CARINA — “Via PA: They are expecting to launch in summer 2010 and release new titles weekly. They expect to have a wide range of genres. I understand that Carina is completely separate from Harlequin Horizons, not connected. Carina is not a self publisher. They will go digital first. No advances, but larger royalties. They are accepting submissions in all genres of romance, erotica, science fiction, fantasy, horror, mystery, women's fiction, and more, but no non-fiction or poetry. They will consider fiction from 15,000 words to over 100,000 words. You may submit manuscripts that were rejected by Harlequin or any other publisher. They want all rights for 7 years, 30% royalty on ebooks sold through their site, half that on books sold elsewhere. What will count is how much they sell. A report of a very prompt and personal acceptance process, until a supposedly negotiable contract turned out to be non-negotiable. But the rest went very well, and the overall experience was good. February 2014 update: Now they are more limited, no longer interested in nonfiction, women's fiction, horror, thrillers, literary, faith, young adult, or general historical fiction. That still leaves plenty, however, so check their list. February 2015 update: Their guidelines changed as of March 1, 2014. they discourage submissions of under 35,000 words, and are looking for 50,000 words and up.”
CLUB LIGHTHOUSE PUBLISHING - “Via PA: This is a newly-launched epublisher located in Canada. They are open for submissions in many genres of fiction and non-fiction. They take only electronic rights, for one year, and pay royalties of 40% of all download sales. Reports on submissions in one month to six weeks. February 2007 update: They are open for submissions in many genres of fiction and nonfiction. February 2012 update: They say their royalties are among the best in the industry, without saying what they are. They want hot, spicy romance, erotica, GBLT, and vampire stories.”
CREATIVE GUY PUBLISHING - “Via PA: He calls his ebooks e-xtras, novellas 15,000 to 50,000 words long, with special features. Open for submissions as of February 2003, pays 65% of the net sales. Query first, with a bit about who you are, your genre, and the length of your piece. Go wild.”
CROSSROAD PRESS - “Via PA: I heard from the proprietor. As an author and IT professional he set out to get his own backlist into digital. It worked. Then friends asked him to do theirs—and the company was born. Six years later he and his partner have built it up to about 175 authors and over 1,300 titles. This is a different type of publisher. They charge nothing, ever. They specialize in bringing back the titles of authors with out of print books. They can scan and digitize paperback and hardcover editions if necessary. They do their covers in-house, always with the author's approval. They pay 80% of anything made on ebooks back to the author, 65% on digital audio, and have a line of print on demand editions with 50% to the author. However, they are not really open to new authors; they specialize in backlist titles. If you have a backlist you want to get republished, check them out.”
CUNE - “Via PA: Founded in 1994 to explore innovative ways of bringing superior writing to public attention. The name derives from "cuneiform," as in ancient script. Yet, oddly, they misspell "Sumer," where that script was used. They propose that writers, independent presses, and mission-oriented large publishers make common cause to lift public taste. 2003 UPDATE: One of their goals is to publish thoughtful books by Arab, Arab-American, and American authors. They seem to have a strong pro-Arab, and perhaps anti-Israel stance. This would seem to be a convenient site to get the other side's version of current history.”
DANCING STAR PRESS — “Via PA: Jennifer Crispin is starting a new micro press for speculative fiction novellas. Check their submissions guide. (I can't get online at present, so have no other information.)”
DOUBLE-DRAGON – “Via PA: Publisher Deron Douglas. They are a small company composed of three people dedicated to bringing quality books to the Internet. They offer a two year contract, 30-35% royalty, paid quarterly. They also do hardcover and paperback. I have a very favorable report from one of their authors. I received a report from a writer who used this Survey to try several publishers, and in due course settled on this one, and is highly pleased. DD was quick to respond, accommodating about contract changes, and moved things along efficiently. All reports on this publisher have been favorable. They have Draco awards for unpublished or self published fiction, for Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror; the annual winner in each category will be published by DOUBLE DRAGON. April 2004 update: I finally have a negative report: an author put in a huge marketing effort, resulting in very few reported sales. I recommended auditing the publisher's books, as I have a conflict of interest here.. February 2006 update: 2006 has been filled, but they are accepting submissions for 2007. Allow 4-6 weeks for review. Now they have large-type as an option. Sales: Can be as high as 145 downloads per title per year, average.”
DPDOTCOM - “Via PA: Electronic and POD publisher currently accepting poetry, short stories 5[35,000 words, and novels 40-100,000 words from new and established authors. I found no information on terms; it seems you have to submit your work, and they'll let you know if they want it. March 2011 update: They remain open for submissions and will respond within three weeks. No porno or hate material. June 2011 update: They do a 50-50 split on all profits. You have to have a PayPal account set up. They do a cover and place your book on their list; you do the rest. It seems they do not have a contract; everything is based on trust. That's nice in theory, but no legal protection for the author.”
DREAMING BIG - “Via PA: This is a small electronic publisher run by Kristi King-Morgan, a fan of mine. I tried them out on some novella length pieces, such as Hair Power and Writer's Retweet, and have now received royalties. I have found them to be highly responsive, ready to negotiate terms—my agent and I have some strict ones, as you might imagine—and with good taste in covers. They are open for submissions, and pay the author 50% of money received. My impression is that while they are into science fiction and fantasy, they will consider any genre if the piece is well done, though perhaps not erotica. They are especially interested in anything relating to mental health or psychology. If your normal publisher balks at something different from your usual, Dreaming Big would like to see it.”
ELDER SIGNS PRESS - “Via PA: An independent press specializing in science fiction, dark fiction, fantasy, and horror. I was asked about it, so looked it up, but it's site doesn't say much. However, submissions are closed.”
ELECTRON PRESS - “Via PA: This publisher hopes to make the quality of writing, rather than its commercial potential, the key factor in selecting manuscripts for publication, to keep books "in print" forever, and generally open up the system. It feels that by the end of the year there will be ten million PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants) in use, such as the Palm Pilot, and as the technology improves to make them more readable, more people will use them and come to prefer them. "Electron Press is unalterably opposed to the closed architecture, proprietary publishing schemes and high book prices that appear to be the core principles of the dedicated ebook device companies." But I wasn't able to ascertain the terms offered writers. They say they pay "substantial" royalties. March 2014 update: This time they give their original 1997 message. No indication that they remain a market.”
ELM GROVE PUBLISHING - “Via PA: This is a small traditional publisher that also does ebooks. They are open to anything: “If you write it, we'll publish," though they will refuse anything they deem unsuitable or potentially illegal. What makes them different? “We look at everything from the author's point of view," as they are authors themselves. They try to make it easy. “We want you to just write and let us do the rest!" There is no cost to the author, and they share the profits equally, which translates to 50% of the net.”
ENTANGLED PUBLISHING - “Via PA: Royalties start at 40% and increase with sales. Simultaneous electronic and print releases. No word yet on exactly what they are looking for, apart from “Great stories with fresh voices." No track record yet. March 2012 update: They are open for submissions. September 2013 update: I have a report from a former editor that this publisher broke out and got big fast, with attendant glitches, but is doing well, with good editors and authors.”
ERASERHEAD PRESS — “Via PA: Founded in 1999, this is an independent publishing company with a focus on Bizarro Fiction. They have eight imprints, one of which is a magazine, published quarterly. "We aim to bring you the weirdest fun to read books you'll ever find." They are looking for strong fiction, strong plot, strange and outlandish worlds. The one I read was exactly that. Pay one cent per word up to a hundred dollars, on publication. 100-6,000 words for fiction, 300-10,000 nonfiction. February 2012 update: I should mention that they published my horror shocker The Sopaths, and my experience with them has been good. March 2014 update: They have an amazing line of bizarre titles. They are open for submissions, but only for their type of books. March 2015 update: But I also should say that they have been extremely slow paying royalties or responding to my agent's queries. Caution.”
EVERNIGHT PUBLISHING - “Via PA: They are open for submissions. 45% royalties from sale off their website, 50% net royalties from distributors. 15,000 to 80,000 words. Query first. They seem to be in a number of genres, but focus mainly on sexy romance with the usual cautions. I have a report that says statements are quarterly and arrive on time, but they need to improve on editing. They are friendly and responsive. Sales vary but can be good. May 2011 update: A report of more than 400 copies sold in the first three days of publication. That is good. November 2011 update: a report that few come close to that level, and that their editing isn't great. But they are friendly. May 2012 update: A favorable report. July 2013 update: Complaints about poor editing, books being published with mistakes left in them, and late cover art. That it is an author mill. March 2015 update: This not looks like a parked domain listing other outfits. July 2015 update: One of the dicey things about erotic writing is involving underage folk, such as he being eighteen, she almost seventeen. In real life this is common, but in erotic fiction it can be complicated. The complaint is that this publisher's tolerances may not match its specs for submissions, so a carefully done piece may be rejected despite the specs. That can be infuriating, as it wastes the author's time.”
FINCH BOOKS - “Via PA: They have been in business a decade and specialize in young adult, romantic, and erotic fiction. They have more than 400 authors. They hive an automated response to submissions within 24 hours and a response within six weeks. They say they have some of the best royalty rates in the industry. They pay royalties monthly. Their standard contract is for four years. “We offer 100% dedication and commitment to each and every author..."
FLYING PEN PRESS - “Via PA: A new publisher with big ambitions. "We are taking on the world of book publishing with a fresh new attitude, and we intend to define the way books are published in the Twenty-First Century." They are interested in science fiction, fantasy, mystery, poker, and role-playing game books. An early report is that they are good to work with, but sales are not high. April 2009 update: As of January 1, 2009, they have a new office and mailing address, but their site remains the same. They remain open for submissions, with a minimum length of 65,000 words. March 2010 update: At this time they are not considering unsolicited submissions. That doesn't mean they aren't buying, just that you need to have a dialogue with them first. 65,000 to 150,000 words, preferably halfway between. April 2011 update: Not considering unsolicited submissions at this time. April 2012 update: Now they are interested in science fiction, fantasy, mystery, and poker and role-playing books. April 2013 update: They are not currently considering unsolicited submissions of fiction, but are seeking nonfiction. April 2014 update: Now they are open for submissions. April 2015 update: They say to check back soon for their new look. Meanwhile they remain open for submissions in science fiction, fantasy, mystery, poker books, and role playing game books. But you need to contact them first with your resume and your publishing status. Don't just send a manuscript.”
GLOBAL PUBLISHING GROUP LLC - “Via PA: I have one report from a satisfied writer.”
GOOSE RIVER PRESS - "Via PA: A traditional full-service publishing house that also does self publishing. February 2005 update: They are now seeking manuscripts including but not limited to poetry, novels, short stories, juvenile, spiritual, and self-help; no erotica or occult. April 2008 update: they have a $30 reading fee. April 2010 update: They remain open for submissions, with the reading fee. But this is one way to get consideration for traditional print publication, and if you don’t make it there, they will help you self publish. This could be worthwhile for a novice who isn’t sure what to do.”
GYPSY SHADOW - “Via PA: I tried to check their submission guidelines, but they took so long to download that I gave up. So I have no information as yet on what they want or what their terms are. December 2010 update: they sent me their Frequently Asked Questions brochure, which strikes me as a fair way to learn the basics of publishing with them or anyone else. They discus prospects and fees in a sensible manner. I recommend looking at this even if you're not looking to do business with them. April 2011 update: The site says their submission guidelines were updated 1-19-2011, but they will need a few extra weeks to respond to yours. An email notice released by the publisher says their second year was rugged. "To say we are stretched too thinly seems to us to be an understatement." They beg indulgence as they catch up. They look forward to funding in June so their chief editor can work full time. They hope to change to a quarterly report, considering that most of their distributors are on a quarterly schedule. May 2011 update: their quarterly reports were delayed again, but they are scrambling to catch up. They had a host of problems, such as two car breakdowns and a computer crash.”
LIQUID SILVER - “Via PA: This is an imprint of Atlantic Bridge Publishing, dedicated to erotic romances. Send the first three chapters and a synopsis, with a cover letter about your writing background, why you are interested in doing erotica romance, and your thoughts on epublishing. They will respond in a day and treat you right if they want your novel. Royalties are 40% on retail sales, paid quarterly. They take electronic rights for one year, and are thinking about print publication with a 30% royalty. This looks good from here. April 2004 update: They seem to be broadening their genres to include Historical, Science Fiction, Paranormal and others, but all have an erotic romantic slant. In short, it seems to be the kind of Romance male readers should like too. October 2006 update: A favorable report "I'm a Liquid Silver author, and am very, very happy with them." December 2006 update: sales report: ranging from 60 for a fantasy novel to 260 for a vampire/horror, romance. April 2007 update: More very favorable report: "They treat their authors like gold." Average time from submission to release is 3 months. Sales range from 120-175 books, and the royalty rate increases when sales pass certain thresholds. For example, if a title sells 1000 copies, royalty is 50%. This would be paradise for the average author. June 2008 update: an extremely positive report: "My absolute favorite! They are quick, friendly, professional, the artwork wonderful, and I sold 220+ books during the last quarter." But very few books are put into print. June 2009 update: They are currently accepting erotic romance. Royalties are now 35% on ebooks. May 2010 update: They are currently accepting all erotic romance genres. May 2011 update: Now their deal is 35% royalties on monies received from all outlets, paid quarterly. Electronic rights for two years. May 2012 update: Yet another very favorable report. April 2013 update: They are currently accepting all erotic romance genres and subgenres. Just make sure there's romance.”
LYRICAL PRESS - “Via PA: They will open May 5, 2008. They are now accepting submissions in all genres. If you dare to write it, they will consider it. 40% royalty on the sale price. Preferred word length is 30,000 up, but they will consider pieces down to 12,000. The usual restrictions. August 2008 update: A favorable report, saying the proprietors are highly responsive. September 2009 update: There have been ugly reports on other sites condemning this publisher. As far as I can ascertain, they are fallacious, a hate campaign. May 2010 update: They are actively seeking erotica, romance, paranormal between 60,000 and 85,000 words. June 2010 update: I heard from the publisher, thanking me for the May update. I do updates of whatever nature seems correct, and rarely get thanked by publishers; quite the opposite sometimes. "I'm doing everything in my power to keep to the goal of being a quality publisher who treats authors and editors fairly and readers respectfully." May that continue. March 2011 update: They sent me a sample contract, which I critiqued, and they immediately addressed my concerns. For example, I felt their audit clause was mediocre; now it's fully up to snuff. Specifically, if the author audits, and an error of more than 5% is found to the author's disfavor, the publisher must pay for the audit. May 2011 update: They are actively acquiring all sub-genres of erotica between 20,000 and 90,000 words. No need to query; just send the full manuscript. That's a breath of fresh air, considering how some publishers will delete unsolicited manuscripts unread. But do follow their guidelines. April 2014 update: they have been acquired by Kensington publishing, and their contract is not as good as it was, but I think still acceptable. May 2015 update: timed out.”
MELANGE BOOKS - “Via PA: I was notified of this new house by the publisher, who says that many of their authors had been with Midnight Showcase Fiction, now closed. You can chat with their authors Thursday February 10, 2011, at They are looking for Romance of different types, science fiction, horror, contemporary, drama, gay, lesbian, young adult, erotica, non fiction and others, of assorted lengths from 6,000 words up. Response time can be 10-18 weeks (I hope faster). Royalties are 35% of net royalties digital, 10% of print. May 2011 update: They have assorted anthologies with varying submission deadlines, so it's probably worth checking every so often. May 2012 update: They remain open for submissions, but no Science Fiction at this time. May 2013 update: Now their royalties are 40% of net for e-books, 10% on print. October 2013 update: a complaint that there is only one book in their gallery, that one written by the owner. But I have to say that I am in doubt about the accuracy of this report. For one thing, I counted 36 new titles listed and described, and they have most of the alphabet listing their authors. May 2014 update: I have a report that there may be more than one Melange. This one is said to be professional and courteous. The author has a say on the cover and editing. The contract is for three years. Royalties are now 40% on ebooks. But it seems that Barnes And Noble does not work with this company's printer, so books won't hit that shelf. May 2015 update: Timeout.”
PUBLIC BOOKSHELF - “Via PA: is now open for fiction and non-fiction book submissions. We pay 70% Google ad revenues on each page of your book. Take advantage of our million+ annual visitor traffic to get your book read, earn money, and promote yourself." December 2008 update: they say you can read many of their books free, and also say they publish you online at no cost to you and pay an advance of up to $500. I'll be interested to see feedback from authors who try them, and this comes under the probably too good to be true heading. May 2010 update: I have moved this entry from the Services section to the Publishing section, because it now seems more like a publisher than a service. It seems that their contract is non exclusive, which means you can also publish elsewhere. That could be a good deal for authors. I have a report from an author confirming non-exclusivity but not the advance. May 2013 update: It still there, still offering to publish your novel free. June 2014 update: Still there, still looking too good to be entirely true. But I have received no complaints.”
PUBLISH AMERICA - “Via PA: We are an old fashioned publishing company with new, innovative ideas. We pride ourselves on publishing books that are having a hard time being accepted elsewhere." They respond within weeks or months, and are looking for Children's/Young Adult, Fiction, Health, Mystery/Suspense, Nonfiction, Spiritual/Philosophy, Romance, or Sci-fi. They use print-on-demand to avoid big inventories or warehousing. Thus they can give talented undiscovered authors a fair chance. They pay standard traditional-publisher royalties of 8% to 10%. Bear in mind that these seemingly small royalties are apt to bring in a good deal more money for the writer than 50% or 100% with a straight online publisher, because of the likely volume of sales. Less is often more, in publishing. However, there may be an odor here. The "Ask Ann" service (check it in the Services section) has posted a number of complaints, and there is some fierce dialogue with the publisher. Elsewhere reports have been mixed. Whether it is unscrupulous or merely impatiently efficient is uncertain, and perhaps depends on your perspective. Remember, the "old fashioned" publishers can be arrogant as hell. I heard from one writer who was seriously disappointed in their performance. October 2003 update: another writer says that they are a thinly disguised vanity press, their fee not being money but an "announcement list" of two to three hundred addresses the author is required to provide. I presume they then hit up those addresses for sales. I would distrust this. December 2003 update: But another writer says that they ask for only 100 or fewer addresses and don't expect to sell to many of those. August 2004 update: a writer forwarded me a copy of the San Antonio Current review: they are doing well, paying small advances of one dollar, but have generally low sales. They do retaliate against complainants, removing them from their message boards or banning them. PA (that's Publish America, not Piers Anthony) warns to beware of sci-fi or fantasy authors: "They have no clue about what it is to write real-life stories, and how to find them a home." Well, I am such an author, so consider yourself warned. December 2004 update: complaints continue, and PUBLISHERS WEEKLY ran an expose, saying that PA does not pay royalties. That's a no-no. My impression is that this publisher is best avoided. February 2005 update: And I have a positive feedback on them, from an author who was paid a small advance, is satisfied with their editing and responsivity, does receive royalties, and discovered that some who pan the company do so based on rumors rather than personal experience. Still, it seems that the WASHINGTON POST published an article trashing them as selling false dreams, and see my column for February 2005 for the SF writers' hilarious response to PA's put-down of them. June 2005 update: yet I received an ad for one of their books, so they do do that amount of promotion. June 2006 update: And I have a positive response, that they do exactly what they say they will do. Authors really do have to do 99% of the marketing of their books; PA doesn't charge and does pay royalties. And another negative report. One writer feels they make sales difficult because books are non-returnable. Here I can't fault PA; POD books generally are non-returnable, having been in effect special-ordered. October 2006 update: Another complaint that the company became non-responsive after receiving the manuscript. So the manuscript was withdrawn. Meanwhile, I have what amounts to a leaked document on the inner workings of this publisher. There are 20-some "editors" who are hard pressed. Layout/editors are required to do three books a day. There's no time to check story-line or continuity or even spelling. Basic editors (a different class) do about one book a day, and are lucky to correct punctuation, grammar, spelling, tense, or point of view. Questions are shunted to Support, where they are answered with pre-made blurbs drawn from the contract or form letters. So if service seems perfunctory, it's not because the editors don't care; they just are on such an assembly-line schedule that they can't do much for any book. It is reminiscent of a sweat shop. December 2006 update: another bad report, of their firing their best editors and engaging in sex discrimination. Another says "they are rude ignorant and down right nasty." Some folk believe they will fold in six months. We'll see. April 2007 update: more negatives. See MEET REAL PA in the services section. August 2007 update: a positive report, they performed as promised, though they do price the books high. October 2007 update: and another negative about non-payment. June 2008 update: They have an item titled Publish America Confronts Amazon. I am not keen on Publish America, but I believe they have the right of this one, refusing to let Amazon dictate who prints their books. However, I also have another negative report from a writer: they are difficult to work with. If you post something negative on the boards, they delete it immediately. They can take forever to get back to you if you have an issue. December 2008 update: a report that they have extended their contract term from three to seven years, that they take movie rights, and pay an advance of one dollar. Be wary. I also have another mediocre report: they did pay a royalty check, but the author could not verify its accuracy. Typos were left in even after supposedly corrected. April 2009 update: Publish America won its suit against Preditors & Editors. I do not know the details, but conjecture that the P&E report was considered to be intended to prejudice people against the publisher, rather than being objective. June 2009 update: I note this on their page: "Welcome to Publish America! We are the Nation's number one book publisher!!" They are talking about numbers of books, not quality. But, oddly, I could get none of their supplementary sections. July 2009 update: I have another generally favorable report. They have a clearly worded contract and follow through with every promise they make. They reportedly accept only 30% of submitted manuscripts. "PA's staff have answered every single one of my multiple emails over the last 2 years ... I've never had an impolite or improper response and they've always responded within 2 weeks." They sent out many copies of the book at their cost for reviews. They paid royalties on time. June 2010 update: But complaints of nonperformance continue. February 2011 update: for a $149 processing feel an author can get the rights to a book reverted. This strikes me as a variant of the kill fee. May 2011 update: here is their response to an unsatisfied author: "We received the email below from a drivel spewing individual who claims to speak on your behalf. We will of course ignore her nonsense and herself..." January 2012 update: One author finally got her rights back, but now is being pestered for deals to get her rights reverted. She says she already has them back, but they keep offering. May 2013 update: it's still there in good order, still ready to publish you. Plug-ins are required, so I don't have the whole story, but it's clear that they remain in business. June 2014 update: The link now leads to America Star Books, which seems similar; it may simply be a name change.”
ROGUE PHOENIX PRESS - “Via PA: They are open for all submissions in Romance, Sci-Fi, Young Adult, Historical Fiction and Mystery. Royalties of 40% of the cover price, or 35% if books are sold through other outlets. Two year contract. I don't think they have a track record yet.”
SOUTHERN OWL - “Via PA: I received a flier on this. They started accepting submissions on January 10, 2017. They don't seem to say what they want, just “You wrote it, we'll promote it!" They seem to be more into promotion than publishing. January 2018 update: I received their December 27, 2017 Newsletter promoting their books, so it is clear that they are doing what they can. April 2018 update: They have now been in business for a year, and continue to do promotions for authors. However, they have opened up their publishing company and are now accepting submissions. To date they have 50 books published from 25 authors. October 2018 update: I received a flier headlined GREAT BOOKS HERE! with several titles and cover pictures. So they are still in business, still promoting. I admit to being intrigued by one title, A Sea of Smoke.”
STRAWBERRY BOOKS - “Via PA: They offer 50% royalties on ebooks and POD. They are looking for new material with the potential to reach a wide readership. Especially cutting edge, offbeat, dark, or literary works you wouldn't find anywhere else. Don't just send them an attachment; they can't open it; send a query describing the book, the prospective audience, and what experience you have reaching it.”
SYNERGEBOOKS - “Via PA: Founded in March 1999 by Debra Staples. Electronic, CD ROMs, paperbacks. 40% royalties on electronic, 30% on paperbacks 25% on children's books, 60% to Independent Authors (I'm not sure what that means). They publishe most genres of fiction and nonfiction, some poetry. They accept less than 30% of submissions. Query first, with your manuscript as an email attachment, MS Word or RTF formats. They'll respond in 4-6 weeks. But they are presently closed for submissions. June 2005 update: until November 2005. August 2006 update: Closed for submissions until August 2006. So they should be just about due to reopen. June 2007 update: They no longer put any of their books into print, just electronic formats. August 2008 update: They are closed to submissions until at least September 2008. July 2009 update: They are not accepting submissions until October 1, 2009. Except for authors already there; they can submit in July. July 2010 update: Submissions are closed until 2011. July 2011 update: They remain closed to submissions. July 2012 update: still closed. It's been 7 years now; I'd say this is not a market. August 2012 update: But I am told they do accept new authors for a limited time, from February 1 to March 15; that information is in FAQ rather than submission guidelines. A satisfied report by a new author.“
THE NOVEL FOX - “Via PA: I haven't looked this one up yet, but am told that they promise a $1,000 advance, and royalties on gross sales. They respond in 4-6 weeks. Looks promising, but it's too soon to tell. September 2015 update: It's an independent digital-first publishing company founded in 2014. They do various genres in novel length or shorter. They seem to be open to submissions.”
TWILIGHT TIMES - “Via PA: I was put on to this one by Celia A Leaman, one of their authors who will now be their Submissions Editor. They are looking for Fantasy (including Dark), Literary, Magic Realism, Mystery, Non Fiction, Pagan, Paranormal, Science fiction, Slipstream, and Specialty/New age. If your work is in a "blended" genre, is too "literary," or quirky in tone for other publishers, they're interested. Just tell a great story. Send a cover letter, synopsis, and first chapter in the body of the email query; no attachments. They say they offer a standard epublishing contract; that should mean electronic rights only and good royalties. December 2003 update: I have a very favorable report on this publisher. June 2005 update: They are still there, apparently doing well. But I found no information on terms. August 2006 update: They evolved from an epublisher to a traditional print publisher with initial print runs of 500-750 books. That's good, for a small publisher. They will be open for submissions until August 5, 2006. So about the time you see this note, it will be too late. Sales: up to 145 downloads per title per year. August 2007 update: They say they launched 21 titles in 2004. How about 2007? July 2009 update: a negative report: "My experience with this publisher has been nothing short of frustrating." Royalty payments were six months or more late, communications were often confusing, and there seemed to be little follow through. No evidence of this at their site, of course. July 2011 update: The site remains, but I did not find submission information. July 2012 update: They are currently open to non-fiction submissions only. They will be open for fiction submissions from July 15 to August 15, 2012, when they will want fantasy, historical, literary, military, mystery/suspense, paranormal romance, science fiction, SF romance, and YA fantasy. July 2013 update: Still no submission information. Maybe you have to get accepted before learning their terms.”
UNCIAL PRESS - “Via PA: I understand that this is a startup founded by two competent editors from Awe-Struck. It will release its first titles on October 2006. Present needs are for Georgian, Regency, Victorian, and Western American Historical Romance, Fantasy/Paranormal, mysteries, and nonfiction books and humor. Query if you have something else; they might be interested. They hope to respond to all manuscripts within 60 days; nag them if they don't. Royalties are 42% on books sold from the publisher's site, less otherwise. They have a sample contract, and it has an audit clause. August 2009 update: I learn that it is pronounced UN-see-ul or UN-shul/, derived from Greek and Roman scripts, part of the chain of developments that brought about the modern book. April 2010 update: Word from the publisher that now they publish short stories over 5,000 words as well as full length books. They release only two titles a month because they feel that's all they can manage while adhering to their standards of excellence. Even so, this summer they will release their one hundredth title. They have done well in the EPIC contests. They remain primarily an ebook publisher, but do also publish a few college-level textbooks in paper. August 2012 update: They are open for submissions. August 2014 update: Open for submissions, except for erotica, horror, or Christian Inspirational.”
THE WILD ROSE PRESS - “Via PA: A new small electronic and print publisher of Romance. Currently accepting submissions in all subgenres, all lengths. Check their site for information on category editors, so as to select the right one for your piece. The usual restrictions. I did not find information on royalties. August 2007 update: They are still accepting submissions in all romantic sub-genres and in all lengths, with the usual restrictions. October 2007 update: Two favorable reports. They are professional, friendly, and quick. Royalties seem to be 40%. June 2008 update: But not a report that they can be very slow, taking a year to get into the editing process. August 2008 update: And a mixed report: there were problems, but they seem to be doing better now, though still very slow. Then an evident campaign: I received a cluster of seven letters telling me how good they are, the essence being that they are prompt, responsive, and easy to work with. October 2008 update: more reports. Their contract currently specifies publication within one year of signing of the contract. Royalties are now 30% ebook, 7% print; sales can be low. Another report that they can be slow with edits, but are quick to respond to emails. And from editor-in-chief Rhonda Penders: they have clearly defined timelines, replying within 45 days to a query, 60 days for a partial, and 90 days for a full manuscript, then one year to publish. She posted a note to her authors that if anyone experienced delays, let her know. That should take care of it. December 2008 update: a complaint about low royalties. I addressed this matter in my OctOgre 2008 column, after investigating, showing that such royalties may not be erroneous. A writer clarifies that they publish one year after the edits, and the edits can take many months. August 2009 update: They remain open to submissions at all times, but limited to Romance, in many sub-categories. August 2011 update: Still open for submissions. July 2013 update: They are now open to queries about submissions other than Romance, such as women's fiction, mystery, thriller, historical fiction, and erotica. October 2013 update: A favorable report on their information, editing, and helpfulness.”
WILDSIDE PRESS - “Via PA: They are looking for published books that are out of print. They must be in English, and the rights must be available. They take essentially all publishing rights worldwide in the English language, to prevent other editions from competing with theirs. They're looking for Mystery, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Romance, Suspense, and Classics. They pay 50% of net revenues after expenses. The contract is for a four year term, automatically extended unless someone objects, and it has an auditing clause: overall, not a bad deal.
August 2004 update: I received an unknown host message. That may mean they are out of business. December 2004 update: No, they are still there. October 2006 update: They are announcing a mass-market paperback line. That's a different league, if they can swing it. August 2008 update: Several of their imprints are currently closed to submissions, but Juno Books and some story magazines remain open. August 2009 update: 99% of their titles are POD, so sales are small. July 2013 update: I note with peripheral interest that one of their editors is Robert Reginald, whose Borgo Press is now an imprint here. I know him from way back when he published my novel Hasan. I take his presence here as a good sign.”
WRITERS EXCHANGE - “Via PA: Romance, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Children/Young Adult, Mystery, Western, Action/Adventure/Thriller/War, Humor, Writing Advice, Parenting, Christian, Self Help/How To. They do electronic and print on demand books. For the latter there is a one-time set-up fee, variable depending on what their cost is. Author receives 60% of the cover price, or less, depending on what the publisher has to pay for, like cover art. Contract has no specified time limit; the author merely cancels it at will, giving 90-day notice. There doesn't seem to be an audit clause, but there is a dispute-resolution clause. The proprietor Sandy Cummins tells me that they won the "Inscriptions Engravers award for Best E-Publisher." Indeed, the site has pretty pictures. She's a Xanth fan, so must be legitimate. 2003 UPDATE: They intend to be open for submissions for two to three months, then close for about six months to get through the submissions. Thereafter they should be open twice a year. So check the site to see if they are in phase before submitting. August 2004 update: they are currently open for submissions. So act quickly, before the window of opportunity closes. June 2005 update: They are still open. February 2006 update: They advised me that they have revised the site. It looks clear enough. They are currently open for submissions, but it may take 12 months for an acceptance. October 2006 update: Royalties are 50%. They remain open for submissions. August 2008 update: They now have the acceptance time down to 5 months, and expect to bring it down more as they clear their queue. June 2009 update: now at It seems it is now a bookstore rather than a publisher. In due course I will simplify the listing to reflect this, if it is confirmed. August 2009 update: They have moved to They are currently open to submissions. August 2010 update: They remain open to submissions. January 2011 update: A report that they do take a long time, but can be very nice, even when rejecting a manuscript. August 2011 update: The site is there, but I found no submission information. October 2011 update: I heard from the publisher, who says that on the front page there is a list of links in a blue bar, where Submissions is. Okay, I looked, and didn't find it there, but did find it under Wish List, and it's a thoroughly detailed discussion including a sample contract and rules of syntax. This is surely worth some time, for new writers.”
YARD DOG PRESS - “Via PA: This is a small print press. This list is primarily for electronic publishers, but I will list others as I come across them, without pretending to be remotely comprehensive. "Our mission: To bring to the attention of the reading public the talent of authors who haven't earned the 'big numbers' yet, so therefore get little or no attention from the corporation giants. These are often great story tellers with equally great stories to share. We think it is shameful that there is no forum for their work." Well, now; I like their attitude. So if you have been shut out of the big ones, here is a small one to try. August 2008 update: Royalties are 50% of net profit. That's fair, but could be a small figure. September 2009 update: They are open for submissions, but want no porn or hate fiction. August 2011 update: They express themselves bluntly. "...come into the YARD, grab a chain, pull up a tree, and bark at the passing cars." "What we're reading for...Absolutely nothing right now." Except what they specify on this page. September 2014 update: Still there with the same streetwise attitude. I've never done business with them, but can't help liking them.”
These guys are the small independent presses that generally put more focus on literary work, poetry, short story anthologies, and the kind of non genre based fiction books than the bigger money making ploys of commercial fiction. Some are very specialized and are wrought from the literary departments of MFA programs at specific universities and are open to a narrow range of submitters, and others still may select and publish as few as one or two books a year. Make sure to do your homework dealing with these guys, many are quite approachable without agents, and if you have what they’re looking for it can be a great introductory deal to be a published author.
11:11 PRESS – Poetry online.
1913 PRESS - Poetry, art online.
2LEAF PRESS – Press, poetry, fiction, nonfiction online.
3 HOLE PRESS - Press, drama online.
3 MILE HARBOR PRESS - Press, poetry online.
39 WEST PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art online.
3: A TAOS PRESS – Press, poetry online.
42 MILES PRESS – Press poetry, books, chapbooks online.
7.13 BOOKS – Fiction online.
8TH HOUSE PUBLISHING - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
ABLE MUSE PRESS - Able Muse Press publishes poetry and short story collections, and novels from emerging and established authors. Though not exclusively, our focus is formal poetry online.
ACADEMY CHICAGO PUBLISHERS - Poetry, fiction, nonfiction online.
ACRE BOOKS - Fiction, poetry, anthology online.
ACTIONBOOKS – Poetry online.
ADELAIDE BOOKS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
AFRICA WORLD PRESS – Nonfiction, poetry online.
AGAPE EDITIONS – Poetry online.
AHSAHTA PRESS – Poetry online.
AIRLINE PRESS - Press, poetry online.
AK PRESS - Nonfiction, audio online.
AKASHIC BOOKS - Akashic’s slogan is “Reverse-gentrification of the literary world.” A Brooklyn-based press, its focus is on urban literary fiction and political nonfiction, as well as authors disinterested in or ignored by mainstream media and publishers. Recent offerings include An Unkindness of Ghosts, Go the F**k to Sleep, and Havana Libre.
ALICE JANE BOOKS - Poetry online.
ALTERNATING CURRENT PRESS - Press fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
AMBERJACK PUBLISHING FICTION - Fiction, memoir online.
AND OTHER STORIES (UK) - Fiction, nonfiction online.
ANHINGA PRES - Poetry online.
ANNICK PRESS - Nonfiction, children’s/YA online.
ANOMALOUS PRESS - Fiction, poetry, chapbooks online.
ANVIL PRESS FICTION - Nonfiction, poetry online.
APEX PRESS – Nonfiction online.
APRIL GLOAMING PUBLISHING – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre, art online.
A PUBLIC SPACE BOOKS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
ARBEITER RING PUBLISHING - (Canada) poetry, fiction, nonfiction online.
ARCHIPELEGO BOOKS – Poetry, fiction online.
ARGOS BOOKS – Poetry, translations, cross-genre online.
ARSENAL PULP PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction online.
ARTE PUBLICO – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
ASHLAND CREEK PRESS - Memoirs, essays online.
ASTROPHIL PRESS - Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, cross-genre, books, chapbooks online.
ATELIERS26 - This independent press only publishes up to three titles per year, but welcomes submissions of literary fiction and creative nonfiction. Their writers include M. Allen Cunningham, Margaret Malone, Harriet Scott Chessman, and others. Atelier26’s books have been recognized by the PEN/Hemingway Award, the Balcones Fiction Prize, the Flann O’Brien Award, and more. Check it out.
ATLAS REVIEW - Chapbooks fiction, nonfiction, poetry, chapbooks online.
AU PRESS (Canada) - Scholarly works, poetry, fiction, nonfiction online.
AUGURY BOOKS – Poetry online.
AUNT LUTE BOOKS - Poetry, nonfiction, anthologies online.
AUTONOMEDIA - Fiction, nonfiction online.
AUTUMN HILL BOOKS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations online.
AUTUMN HOUSE - Initially a publisher of full-length poetry collections, Autumn House Press has now expanded to publishing fiction and non-fiction as well. They run out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and have been in business since 1998. In addition to their publications, they also offer submissions for their Autumn House Press Contests, which celebrate writers in three different categories: Poetry, Non-fiction and Fiction. Check ’em out! We know you won’t be disappointed.
AWST PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
AYAHUASCA PUBLISHING – Fiction, anthologies online.
BACKBONE PRESS – Poetry, chapbooks online.
BAMBOO RIDGE PRESS - Poetry, fiction, nonfiction online.
BANCROFT PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction online.
BANFF CENTER PRESS - Poetry, art online.
BAOBAB PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, children's/YA online.
BARRELHOUSE BOOKS - Poetry, anthologies, nonfiction online.
BARROW STREET – Poetry online.
BARRYTOWN/STATION HILL PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
BATCAT PRESS – Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, drama, graphic novels, chapbooks online.
BATEAU PRESS – Poetry, fiction, chapbooks online.
BAUHAN PUBLISHING - Regional nonfiction, poetry online.
BAYLOR UNIVERSITY PRESS - Nonfiction, children's/YA online.
BEACON PRESS - Poetry, fiction, nonfiction online.
BEAR STAR PRESS - Poetry online.
BEATDOM BOOKS – Nonfiction online.
BEAUFORT BOOKS - Fiction, nonfiction online.
BEDLAM PUBLISHING - Poetry online.
BELLA BOOKS - Lesbian fiction online.
BELLADONNA BOOKS - Poetry by women online.
BELLEVUE LITERARY PRESS – Based in the historic Bellevue Hospital in New York, publishes literary fiction and nonfiction that explores the interdisciplinary relationship between art and science. Recent offerings include Wolf Season, Hap and Hazard and the End of the World, and Autopsy of a Father.
BELT PUBLISHING – Nonfiction, anthologies online.
BEN YEHUDA PRESS – Jewish fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
BETWEEN THE LINES – Nonfiction by Canadians online.
BIBLIOASIS – Fiction, poetry, nonfiction online.
BIG LUCKS - Nonfiction, poetry online.
BIG TABLE PUBLISHING - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
BIRDS, LLC - Poetry online.
BITTER OLEANDER PRESS - The Bitter Oleander endeavors to publish imaginative poetry, short fiction, interviews, essays, and especially translations of living poets from every corner of the world whether in our biannual journal or in bilingual editions of contemporary poetry. Freedom in Reading! online
BKMK PRESS - Poetry online.
BLACK BALLOON - This publisher is an acclaimed imprint of Catapult, an independent publisher that also offers online and in-person writing classes and fosters new and emerging writers. Black Balloon is seeking fiction and narrative nonfiction with an innovative writing style and unique voice. Their books have been featured in The New York Times Book Review, The New Yorker, O: The Oprah Magazine, Esquire, The Los Angeles Times Book Review, The Atlantic, and NPR’s All Things Considered, among others. They accept manuscript submissions via Submittable twice yearly. Read more about Black Balloon here.
BLACK HERON PRESS – Fiction online.
BLACK INC. - Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art online.
BLACK LAWRENCE PRESS - Poetry, fiction online.
BLACK MOSS PRESS – Poetry & fiction. Online.
BLACK MOUNTAIN PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
BLACK OCEAN PRESS - Poetry online.
BLACK ROCK PRESS - Poetry, fiction, nonfiction online.
BLACK ROSE BOOKS – Nonfiction, art online.
BLACK SQUARE EDITIONS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations online.
BLACK SUN LIT – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations online.
BLACK WIDOW PRESS - Poetry, fiction, essays, translation online.
BLAIR - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
BLAZEVOX BOOKS – Poetry, fiction online.
BLF PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, anthologies online.
BLOODAXE BOOKS (UK) - Poetry online.
BLOOF BOOKS – Poetry, chapbooks online.
BLOOMSDAY LITERARY – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
BLUE CUBICLE PRESS - Chapbooks, poetry, fiction, literary magazines online.
BLUE HORSE PRESS - Poetry, chapbooks online.
BOA EDITIONS LIMMITED - Poetry, fiction online.
BOAAT PRESS - Poetry online.
BOLD STROKES BOOKS - LGBT fiction, nonfiction online.
BOLD TYPE BOOKS - Nonfiction online.
BOOK*HUG PRESS (CANADA) – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
BOOKS BY HIPPOCAMPUS – Nonfiction online.
BOOTSTRAP PRESS – Poetry, fiction online.
BORDIGHERA PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
BOREALIS PRESS - Canadian poetry, fiction, nonfiction, drama, YA fiction online.
BOSS FIGHT BOOKS – Nonfiction online.
BOTTLE OF SMOKE PRESS – Poetry, chapbooks, broadsides online.
BOTTOM DOG PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
BOWEN PRESS FICTION – Nonfiction, poetry online.
BRANDEIS UNIVERSITY PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction online
BREAKWATER BOOKS (CANANDA) - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, children's/YA online.
BRICK BOOKS (CANADA) - Poetry by Canadians online.
BRICK MANTEL BOOKS – Fiction, poetry online.
BRICKHOUSE BOOKS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama online.
BRIDGE EIGHT PRESS - Fiction, poetry, anthologies online.
BRIGHT HILL PRESS – Poetry, chapbooks online.
BROADSTONE BOOKS – Poetry online.
BROKEN SLEEP BOOKS – Poetry online.
BROOKLYN ARTS PRESS – Chapbooks, short fiction, novels, art books, nonfiction online.
BROW BOOKS (AUSTRALIA) - Fiction, nonfiction, cross-genre online.
BROWN PAPER PRESS - Nonfiction online.
BULL CITY PRESS – Chapbooks online.
BURNING BOOKS - Poetry, fiction online.
BURNSIDE REVIEW PRESS – Poetry, chapbooks online.
BURROW PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction online.
C & R PRESS - Poetry, fiction, nonfiction online.
CAFFEINATED PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, anthology online.
CAITLIN PRESS (CANADA) - Regional nonfiction, fiction, poetry online.
CALYPSO EDITIONS – Poetry, fiction, translations online.
CALYX BOOKS - Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, anthologies online.
CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS – North America nonfiction, textbooks online.
CANARIUM - Poetry online.
CANDLEWICK PRESS - Children's/YA online.
CARCANET (UK) - Poetry online
CARDBOARD HOUSE PRESS – Poetry, translations online.
CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY PRESS – Poetry, fiction, short stories, nonfiction, drama online
CASSAVA REPUBLIC PRESS (UK) – Fiction, nonfiction, children's/YA online
CATALYST PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction online.
CATAPULT – Catapult, which launched in 2015, is committed to celebrating life in all its guises through extraordinary storytelling in fiction and nonfiction forms, including short stories and graphic novels. Recent offerings include Edisto, Large Animals, and The Middlepause.
CAVANKERRY PRESS – Poetry online.
CAVE CANEM – African American poetry online.
CB EDITIONS (UK) - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations online
CENTRAL AVENUE PUBLISHING - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
ČERVENA BARVA PRESS - Poetry, fiction, chapbooks online.
CHARCO PRESS – Fiction online.
CHAX PRESS – Poetry online.
CHELSEA EDITIONS – Poetry online.
CHELSEA GREEN - Ecological fiction, nonfiction online.
CHICAGO REVIEW PRESS - Nonfiction, children's/YA online.
CHIN MUSIC PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
CHRONICLE BOOKS FICTION - Nonfiction, poetry, art, children's/YA online.
CICADA BOOKS (UK) - Fiction, nonfiction, art, children's/YA online.
CIDER PRESS REVIEW – Poetry online.
CINCOS PUNTOS PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, children's/YA online.
CIRCUMFERENCE BOOKS – Poetry, translation online.
CITY LIGHTS PUBLISHERS - Founded in 1955, City Lights publishes fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and literature in translation. Recent offerings include Loaded: A Disarming History of the Second Amendment, Like a Dog, and Have Black Lives Ever Mattered?
CIVIL COPING MECHANISMS – Fiction, poetry online.
CLARITY PRESS – Global issues nonfiction online.
CLEIS PRESS LGBT – Fiction, short story collections, nonfiction online.
CLEMSON UNIVESITY PRESS – Poetry, nonfiction online.
CLOUDBANK BOOKS – Poetry online.
CO IM-PRESS – Poetry, translations online.
COACH HOUSE BOOKS – Poetry, fiction online.
CODHILL PRESS - Poetry, cross-genre, chapbooks online.
COFFEE HOUSE PRESS – A press that’s committed to redefining “literature” to encompass an ever-increasing range of voices and communities. Recent offerings include Stephen Florida, Tell Me How It Ends, and A Girl Is a Half-Formed Thing.
COLUMBIA GLOBAL REPORTS – Nonfiction online.
COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PRESS – Nonfiction, anthologies online.
COMMA PRESS (UK) – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, anthologies, translation online.
COMMUNE EDITIONS – Poetry, chapbooks online.
CONIUM PRESS – Fiction, chapbooks online.
CONUNDRUM PRESS - Comics/graphic novels, fiction, nonfiction online.
COOPER DILLON BOOKS – Poetry, chapbooks online.
COPPER CANYON PRESS - Copper Canyon Press is a nonprofit publisher dedicated to poetry from around the world. Recent offerings include Unaccompanied, Night Sky With Exit Wounds, and When My Brother Was an Aztec.
CORDITE BOOKS – Poetry online.
CORK UNIVERSITY PRESS - Irish fiction, nonfiction, art, architecture, anthologies online.
CORMORANT BOOKS (CANADA) - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
CORNERSTONE PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
CORPUS CALLOSUM PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
COTEAU BOOKS (CANADA) - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, children's/YA online.
COUNTERPOINT PRESS – Founded in 1994, Counterpoint publishes Counterpoint and Soft Skull Press. Counterpoint’s books run the gamut from literary fiction to graphic novels and philosophy, but are unified by the press’s focus on literary voice and cutting-edge themes and forms. Recent offerings include Heart Berries, Gifted, and The Job of the Wasp.
COUNTERPUNCH BOOKS – Nonfiction online.
CUBANABOOKS - Fiction by Cuban women online.
CUNEIFORM PRESS – Poetry, art, typography online.
CURBSIDE SPLENDOR PUBLISHING - Curbside Splendor did not start out as a press at all - it originally was a punk band in the '90s. The name stuck around long after the band did, and in 2009, it became a Chicago-based independent press. Curbside's dedication to maintaining the tradition of Midwestern publishing, as well as their annual novella competition, have established them as a go-to for slightly weird, always wonderful fiction, non-fiction and poetry picks.
CUTBANK BOOKS FICTION - Nonfiction, poetry, chapbooks.
DALKEY ARCHIVE PRESS - Fiction online.
DAMAGED GOODS PRESS - Queer/trans* poetry, flash fiction, chapbooks.
DANCING GIRL PRESS - Poetry, chapbooks, art, broadsides, anthologies online.
DARF PUBLISHERS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
DARKHOUSE PRESS - Author Richard Thomas’s small press, owner of Gamut Magazine, mostly defunct and not accepting submissions but a good resource and contact.
DAVID R. GODINE - Publisher poetry, fiction, nonfiction, translations, art, photography, children's books online.
DAWN PUBLICATIONS – Fiction, nonfiction, children's/YA online.
DAWN VALLEY PRESS – Fiction, poetry online.
DEAD INK BOOKS (UK) – Fiction online.
DEDALUS BOOKS - Fiction, nonfiction, translations online.
DEERBROOK EDITIONS - Poetry, fiction, children's online.
DELETE PRESS – Chapbooks online.
DELPHINIUM BOOKS - Fiction, nonfiction online.
DESERT WILLOW PRESS - Poetry online.
DEVIL’S PARTY PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
DHARMA PUBLISHING – Nonfiction, art online.
DIALOGOS - Cross-cultural, translations online.
DIODE EDITIONS POETRY - Chapbooks online.
DIVERSION BOOKS – Diversion Books launched in 2010 in New York City as a digital-only publisher, but since then, they’ve expanded their forms into digital, audio, and print, and now they publish up to fifty works a year. Combining traditional methods with their own innovative thinking, Diversion is able to create collaborative partnerships with both new and experienced writers. They are also in charge of Ever After Romance, an imprint specifically for Romance authors. Pretty cool if you ask us.
DISORDER PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
DO BOOK CO. (UK) – Nonfiction online.
DOCK STREET PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction online.
DOIRE PRESS (IRELAND) – Fiction, poetry online.
DOPPLEHOUSE PRESS – Nonfiction online.
DOROTHY – Named after the editor’s book-loving great-aunt Dorothy, this press takes a new approach to the publishing industry. They publish two new books each Fall, encouraging readers and booksellers to purchase them as a pair by offering discounts. In doing this, they’d like to create a dialogue for readers about the different aesthetics of each piece and to also treat the books as a conversation of their own. Check out their latest two (Wild Milk and The Taiga Syndrome) here.
DOS GATOS PRESS – Poetry online.
DOS MADRES PRESS - Poetry, chapbooks online.
DOTTIR PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, children's online.
DOUGLAS & MCINTYRE (CANADA) - Fiction, nonfiction online.
DOWN AND OUT BOOKS - Fiction, gritty, noir.
DRAWN & QUARTERLY - Graphic novels, comics online.
DRYAD PRESS – Poetry, prose, translations online.
DUFOUR EDITIONS – International poetry, fiction online.
DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESS - Nonfiction, journals online.
DUNDURN PRESS (CANADA) - Fiction, nonfiction, children's literature online.
DZANC BOOKS - Dzanc Books is a nonprofit publisher of literary fiction that also runs several writing instruction and literacy programs across the country. Recent offerings include Darkansas, The Suicide of Claire Bishop, and The Brunist Day of Wrath.
EBERHARDT PRESS - Anarchist, antiauthoritarian nonfiction online.
ECW PRESS (CANADA) – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
EDGE BOOKS - Poetry online.
EDUCE PRESS – Nonfiction, poetry, anthologies, chapbooks online.
EKSTASIS EDITIONS (CANADA) - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, children's/YA online.
EL LEON LITERARY ARTS - Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, photography, drama online.
THE ELEPHANTS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
ELIXIR PRESS – Fiction, poetry online.
ELLIPSIS PRESS – Fiction online.
EMILY BOOKS – Fiction, nonfiction online.
EMP BOOKS – Poetry online.
EMPTY BOWL PRESS - Philosophy online.
ENCHANTED LION BOOKS – This family-owned children’s book publisher puts out some of the most beautiful books on the market. Recent offerings include Chirri and Chirra, The Snowy Day, The Gold Leaf, and Bear and Wolf.
ENCOUNTER BOOKS - Books nonfiction online.
ENGINE BOOKS – Fiction online.
ENO PUBLISHERS - Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, anthologies online.
ENTRE RIOS BOOKS – Poetry online.
EQUUS PRESS – Fiction online.
ESSAY PRESS - Nonfiction online.
ETCHINGS PRESS – Fiction, poetry online.
ETRUSCAN PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
EUROPA EDITIONS - Europa seeks to bring fresh, high-quality fiction from international writers to the American and British markets. Notable authors include Elena Ferrante, Muriel Barbery, and Alina Bronsky. Recent offerings include My Brilliant Friend, The Hottest Dishes of the Tartar Cuisine, and The Distant Marvels.
EXILE EDITIONS (CANADA) - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama online.
FACTORY HOLLOW PRESS - Poetry, nonfiction, broadsides, chapbooks online.
FARRAR, STRAUS & GIROUX – Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, children's books online.
FEATHERPROOF BOOKS - Fiction, chapbooks online.
FENCE BOOKS - Poetry, fiction online.
FERAL HOUSE – Focusing on innovative nonfiction since 1989, Feral House, based in Port Townsend, WA, likes its books on the dark side. Recent offerings include LiarTown, Rose City Vice, and The Gates of Janus.
FERNWOOD PRESS - Poetry online.
FERNWOOD PUBLSIHING – Critical analysis, nonfiction online.
FICTION ADVOCATE – This small press focuses on publishing fiction, creative nonfiction, and literary criticism by new and emerging voices. Submissions are currently open for both book-length works of literary criticism and novels. Their books have won multiple awards and been recognized by The New Yorker, Bookforum, and NPR. Learn more about it here.
FIG TREE BOOKS – Jewish fiction online.
FINISHING LINE PRESS - Poetry, chapbooks online
FIREFLY BOOKS LTD. (CANADA) - Nonfiction online.
FISH OUT OF WATER BOOKS - Fiction, nonfiction online.
FITZCARRALDO EDITIONS (UK) – Fiction, nonfiction online.
FIVE LEAVES PUBLICATIONS (UK) – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama online.
FLEUR-DE-LIS PRESS - Fiction, poetry, nonfiction, drama online.
FLOOD EDITIONS - Poetry, short fiction online.
FLORICANTO PRESS - Hispanic nonfiction online.
FOGLIFTER PRESS – Poetry, chapbooks, anthologies online.
FOLDED WORD FICTION – Nonfiction, poetry online.
FORMITE PRESS - Fiction, poetry, drama online.
FONOGRAF EDITIONS – Poetry online.
FOREST AVENUE PRESS - Founded in 2012 in Portland, Oregon, Forest Avenue Press publishes literary fiction, often with a speculative bent. Recent offerings include City of Weird, Queen of Spades, and Parts per Million.
FORKLIFT BOOKS - Poetry online.
FOUR WAY BOOKS – Poetry, fiction online.
FREDERIC C BEIL - Publisher history, biography, fiction online.
FREE VERSE EDITIONS - Poetry online.
FREEDOM VOICES - Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, photography online.
FROG HOLLOW PRESS - Canadian poetry, short fiction, chapbooks, broadsides online
FUTURE TENSE BOOKS – Located in Portland, Oregon, Future Tense proudly publishes groundbreaking and provocative work “by people often thought of as weirdos or outsiders.” Recent offerings include Excavation, I Don't Think of You (Until I Do), and The Folly of Loving Life.
FUTUREPOEM BOOKS - Poetry, prose online
GALILEO PRESS – Galileo Press publishes books in all genres. Submissions in October, March, and April. Query outside these periods. Authors include: DeDonato, Joe Bolton, David Fenza, Matthew Graham, Sarah Gorham, Patricia Grossman, John Drano, Pat Rushin, Steven Cramer, Mark Irwin, and others. Earth is not the center of the universe. online
GALLAUDET UNIVERSITY PRESS – Nonfiction on deafness online
GALLIC BOOKS – Fiction, nonfiction online.
GARDEN-DOOR PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, broadsides, chapbooks online.
GARLAND PRESS – Fiction online.
GASPEREAU PRESS (CANADA) - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
GAUDY BOY – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online
GAZING GRAIN PRESS - Poetry, cross-genre online.
GENPOP BOOKS – Fiction, poetry online.
GEORGE BRAZILLER INC - Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art, architecture, design online.
GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY PRESS – Nonfiction, journals online.
GHOSTBIRD PRESS - Poetry, art online.
GIBBS SMITH - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, children's online.
GIRAMONDO PUBLISHING (AUSTRALIA) – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
GIVAL PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
GLASS LYRE PRESS - Poetry online.
GLASS POETRY PRESS - Poetry, chapbooks online.
GOLD LINE PRESS – Chapbooks online.
GOLD WAKE PRESSS – Poetry online.
GOLDEN ANTELOPE PRESS - Fiction, poetry, cross-genre online.
GOLIAS BOOKS – Poetry online.
GOOSE LANE EDITIONS (CANADA) – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online
GRAYSON BOOKS - Poetry, anthology, chapbooks online.
GRAYWOLF PRESS - Founded by Scott Walker in 1974, Graywolf Press is a leading independent publisher that focuses on contemporary American and international literature, including modern-day luminaries Claudia Rankine, Danez Smith, and Maggie Nelson. Recent offerings include Don't Call Us Dead, The Empathy Exams, and Her Body and Other Parties.
GREAT WEATHER FOR MEDIA - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, anthologies online.
GREEN BOTTLE PRESS – Poetry, chapbooks online.
GREEN INTEGER BOOKS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama online.
GREEN LANTERN PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
GREEN LINDEN PRESS - Poetry, chapbooks online.
GREEN WRITERS PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
GREY BOOK PRESS – Poetry, chapbooks online.
GROVE ATLANTIC PRESS – This venerable small press began in 1917 as the Atlantic Monthly Press, merging much later with the small but groundbreaking Grove Press to become Grove Atlantic. The press publishes four imprints, Grove Press, Atlantic Monthly Press, Black Cat, and The Mysterious Press, and has many award-winning authors and titles to its credit. Recent offerings include History of Wolves, Freshwater, and Hotel Silence.
GREYSTONE BOOKS (CANADA) – Nonfiction online
GRID BOOKS - Poetry online.
GRYPHON HOUSE - Children's books, textbooks online.
GUERNICA EDITIONS - Multicultural fiction, nonfiction online.
GUILLOTINE - Fiction, nonfiction, chapbooks online.
GUNPOWDER PRESS – Poetry online.
HALF LETTER PRESS – Nonfiction online.
HAMILTON STONE EDITIONS - Poetry, fiction online.
HARBOUR PUBLISHING (CANADA) – Fiction, nonfiction, anthologies, children's online.
HARVARD SQUARE EDITIONS - Fiction, anthologies online.
HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS - Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art, photography online.
HASTINGS COLLEGE PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
HAT & BEARD PRESS – Nonfiction, art online.
HAWTHORNE BOOKS - Located in Portland, Oregon, Hawthorne Books specializes in literary fiction and nonfiction, with a special emphasis on narratives that straddle the lines between essay, memoir, and fiction. Recent offerings include Narrow River, Wide Sky, True Portland, and Call Me Home.
HAYMARKET BOOKS - Based in Chicago, "radically independent" Haymarket Books draws its name from the 1886 Haymarket Square labor riot, which erupted after pleas for an eight-hour work day (and is the basis for May Day, the international workers' holiday). Since 2001 they've published more than 500 non-fiction titles, including works by Angela Davis, Rebecca Solnit, Howard Zinn and Arundhati Roy, and work to cultivate "a critical, engaged, international left."
HEAD OF ZEUS – A London based publishing company, Head of Zeus opened its doors in early 2012 and, only five years later, was named British Book Award’s Independent Publisher of the Year. They publish a mix of genre fiction, general fiction, literary fiction, and nonfiction . If you’re curious about their unique name, check out its origin story here (It’s short and super interesting, so just do it, okay?).
HELIOTROPE BOOKS – Fiction, nonfiction online.
HEYDAY BOOKS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
HIP POCKET PRESS – Poetry online.
HIT & RUN PRESS - Poetry, broadsides online.
HOBBLEBUSH BOOKS - Poetry, chapbooks, nonfiction online.
HOHM PRESS – Nonfiction, poetry, translations online.
HOST PUBLICAYIONS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, anthologies online.
HOUSE OF ANANSI PRESS – Canadian/international poetry, fiction, nonfiction online.
HOWLING BIRD PRESS – Poetry online.
HUB CITY PRESS - Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, regional, art online.
HYACINTH GIRL PRESS – Poetry, chapbooks online.
IBIS PRESS/NICHOLAS HAYES – Fiction, nonfiction, new age online.
ICE CUBE PRESS – Regional, fiction, nonfiction online.
IF SF PUBLISHING - Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, memoir, art, photography online.
IG PUBLISHING - Fiction, nonfiction online.
ILR PRESS - Work-place issues, labor, management, social policy online.
INANNA PUBLICATIONS (CANADA) - Feminist poetry, fiction, nonfiction online.
INDOLENT BOOKS - Poetry online.
INLANDIA INSTITUTE – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
INNER TRADITIONS - Philosophy, psychology, metaphysics online.
INSERT BLANC PRESS - Poetry, chapbooks online.
INSOMNIAC PRESS – Poetry, fiction, nonfiction online.
INTERLINK PUBLISHING - Fiction, nonfiction, children's books online.
INTO THE VOID PRESS – Fiction online.
INVISIBLE PUBLISHING – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
ISLAND PRESS – Environmental solutions online.
ITHURIEL’S SPEAR - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
JADED IBIS PRESS - - Fiction, nonfiction, cross-genre online.
JACAR PRESS – A community active press publishing diverse, high-quality poetry in book form (digital to letterpress); an award-winning online magazine, One; and sponsoring contests, online.
JAI-ALAI BOOKS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
JAMII PUBLISHING - Poetry, books, chapbooks online.
JEF BOOKS - Fiction, anthologies online
JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY PRESS - Periodicals, nonfiction online.
KALLISTO GAIA PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, books, chapbooks, anthologies online.
KATTY WOMPUS PRESS – Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, chapbooks, artist's books online.
KAYA PRESS – Asian diasporic literature online.
KELSEY ST. PRESS - Poetry, fiction, mixed genre by women online.
KENNING EDITIONS - Poetry, fiction, translation, chapbooks online.
KENT STATE UNIVERSITY PRESS - Poetry, chapbooks, fiction, nonfiction online.
KERNPUNKT PRESS - Fiction online.
KIN PRESS - Poetry, art online.
KING SHOT PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, anthologies online.
KORE PRESS – Poetry, women writers online.
KRUPSKAYA - Poetry online.
LAMAR UNIVERSITY LITERARY PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online
LANTANA PUBLISHING – Children's books online.
LANTERN BOOKS – Children's books online.
LANTERNFISH PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction online.
LAST GRASP – Fiction, comics, art, photography, nonfiction, children's/YA books online.
LAVENDAR INK - Poetry, fiction online.
LEAPFROG PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
LEE & LOW BOOKS - Multicultural children's books online.
LEFT FORK & FLOWSTONE PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
LEHIGH UNIVERSITY PRESS – Scholarly, works online.
LES FIGURE PRESS – Poetry, fiction online.
LETHE PRESS – GBLT, poetry, fiction online.
LETTER MACHINE EDITIONS - Poetry, prose, chapbooks online.
LETTERED STREETS PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry.
LINDA LEITH PUBLISHING - Fiction, nonfiction online.
THE LIT PUB – Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, hybrid works.
LITHIC PRESS - An award-winning, independent publisher of poetry.
LITMUS PRESS - Poetry, cross-genre, translations online.
LITWIN BOOKS – Scholarly works, history online.
LIVERPOOL UNIVERSITY PRESS (UK) - Nonfiction, poetry online.
LIVINGSTON PRESS – Livingston Press is a publisher of contemporary fiction, notably novels, with an appreciation for odd forms and humor, online.
LONG DAY PRESS - Poetry, chapbooks online.
LOOKOUT BOOKS – Fiction, nonfiction online.
LOOM PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
LORIMER PRESS – Fiction, regional history, nonfiction online.
LOST HORSE PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
LOUISIANNA STATE UNIVERSITY PRESS – Monographs, nonfiction online.
LOYOLA PRESS - Faith-based fiction, nonfiction online.
LYNNE RIENNER PUBLISHERS - Nonfiction, journals online.
LYNX HOUSE PRESS – Poetry online.
MADHAT PRESS – Poetry, fiction, anthologies online.
MADVILLE PUBLISHING – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
MAGIC HELICOPTER PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
MAKESHIT PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction online.
MAMMOTH BOOKS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, anthologies online.
MANDEL VILAR PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction online.
MANIC D PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
MANSFIELD PRESS (CANADA) – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
MARGARET RIVER PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction online.
MARSH HAWK PRESS – Poetry online.
MASON JAR PRESS - Fiction, poetry, anthology online.
MASTODON PUBLISHING - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
MAVERICK DUCK PRESS - Poetry chapbooks online.
MAWENSI HOUSE (CANADA) - Poetry, fiction, nonfiction online.
MAYAPPLE PRESS – Poetry, short fiction, chapbooks online.
MCPHERSON & COMPANY - Fiction, nonfiction online.
MCSWEENY’S BOOKS – Fiction, nonfiction, translations online.
MEASURE PRESS - Poetry online.
MEEKLING PRESS - Poetry, cross-genre online.
MEERKAT PRESS - Fiction, anthologies online.
MELVILLE HOUSE PUBLISHING - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
MERCER UNIVERSITY PRESS - History, philosophy, religion, Southern studies online.
MERCURY HOUSE – Fiction, non-fiction online.
MERITAGE PRESS – Poetry, visual art, dance, performance art, nonfiction online.
METONYMY PRESS (CANADA) – Fiction, nonfiction online.
MFT PRESS FICTION – Poetry online.
MG PRESS FICTION – Fiction, poetry, anthologies online.
MIAMI UNIVERSITY PRESS - Fiction, poetry online.
MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY PRESS – Poetry, nonfiction, journals online.
MICROCOSM PUBLISHING – According to its website, “Microcosm is a vertically integrated publishing house that equips readers to make positive changes in their lives and in the world around them.” Microcosm’s emphasis on DIY, bicycling, and social justice helps to make it one of our customers’ favorite publishers. Recent offerings include Make Your Place, This Is Portland, and Unf#ck Your Brain.
MILKWEED EDITIONS – Milkweed Editions "seeks to be a site of metamorphosis in the literary ecosystem." A nonprofit that focuses on debut and experimental writers, Milkweed publishes literary fiction, nonfiction, and poetry for young readers and adults. Recent offerings include Four Reincarnations, The Orange Grove, and Island Home.
MINERVA RISING PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY PRESS – History, art, culture of Upper Midwest online.
MISSOURI REVIEW BOOKS - Fiction, anthologies online.
MONKFISH BOOK PUBLISHING CO - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
MONTEZ PRESS – Fiction, poetry, art online.
MONTHLY REVIEW PRESS – Nonfiction online.
MOON CITY PRESS – Poetry, fiction online.
MOON TIDE PRESS - Poetry, anthologies online.
MOON PATH PRESS – Poetry chapbooks online.
MORIA BOOKS – Poetry online.
MOSAIC PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
MOVING PARTS PRESS – Poetry, chapbooks, nonfiction, broadsides art online.
MYRIAD EDITIONS (UK) – Fiction, nonfiction, graphic novels online.
NEGATIVE CAPABILITY PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, chapbooks, anthologies online.
NEON BOOKS (UK) - Poetry, chapbooks online.
NEW AMERICAN PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama online.
NEW DIRECTIONS - Is a renowned press founded in 1936 by James Laughlin, and publisher of such groundbreaking authors and poets as Jean-Paul Sartre, Pablo Neruda, and Anne Carson. Recent offerings include The World Goes On, Compass, and Mrs. Caliban.
NEW DOOR BOOKS - Fiction online.
NEW INTERNATIONALIST – Fiction, nonfiction, children's online.
NEW ISSUES POETRY – Poetry, fiction online.
NEW MERIDIAN ARTS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
NEW MICHIGAN PRESS – Poetry, chapbooks, broadsides online.
NEW PLAINS PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama online.
THE NEW PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, art online.
NEW RIVERS PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
NEW SOCIETY PUBLISHERS - Social change nonfiction online.
NEW STAR BOOKS - Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, social issues online.
NEW VESSEL PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, translations online.
NEW VILLAGE PRESS - Nonfiction online.
NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS – Nonfiction online.
NEWEST PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama online.
NEWSOUTH BOOKS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
NIGHTBOAT BOOKS – Poetry online.
NIGHTWOOD EDITIONS (CANADA) - Fiction, poetry online.
NIMBUS PUBLISHING (CANADA) – Children, fiction, nonfiction, photography, social/cultural history online
NINE ARCHES PRESS (UK) – Poetry, fiction online
NINEBARK PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre online.
NIXES MATE – Books fiction, poetry online.
NO ALIBIS PRESS (UK) – Fiction online.
NOEMI PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
NOMADIC PRESS - Chapbooks, fiction, nonfiction, poetry, children's online.
NORTH ATLANTIC BOOKS - Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, translations, children's books online.
NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY PRESS - Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, photography online.
NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, art online.
NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY PRESS – Poetry, fiction, nonfiction online.
NOT A CULT - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art.
NYQ BOOKS – Poetry at the edge since 2009. Edgy, fresh, groundbreaking, eclectic—poetic voices from all walks of life.
OBERON BOOKS (UK) - Nonfiction, drama online.
OCTOPUS BOOKS - Poetry online.
OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY PRESS – Poetry, short fiction, literary studies, textbooks online.
OHIO UNIVERSITY / SWALLOW PRESS – Poetry, nonfiction online.
OMNIDAWN - Fiction, poetry, translations online.
ONE PEACE BOOKS - Japanese literature, translation online.
ONEWORLD PUBLICATIONS – Fiction, nonfiction online.
OOLICHAN BOOKS – Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, children's books online.
OOLIGAN PRESS – Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, young adult online.
OPEN BOOKS PRESS - Operating out of the University of Rochester, Open Letter is uniquely dedicated to literary works in translation. Recent offerings include The Endless Summer, Frontier, and North Station.
OPEN LETTER - International translation online.
OR BOOKS / FOXROCK BOOKS - Politics, culture, nonfiction, fiction online.
ORBIS BOOKS - Religious, nonfiction online.
ORISON BOOKS – A non-profit literary press focused on the life of the spirit from a broad and inclusive range of perspectives, online.
ORSON’S PUBLISHING – Fiction, nonfiction online.
OTHER PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
OTIS BOOKS/SIESMICITY EDITIONS - Poetry, fiction, nonfiction online.
OUTPOST 19 - Fiction, nonfiction online.
OVERCUP PRESS – Nonfiction, art, children's literature online.
OWL CANYON PRESS - Fiction, translation online.
OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS USA – Fiction, nonfiction, Children's/YA books online.
PALIMP PRESS (CANADA) – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
PALOMA PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, anthologies online.
PANHANDLER BOOKS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
PANK BOOKS – Pank, originally a literary journal founded by M. Bartley Seigel and Roxane Gay, is going to be publishing full-length books for the first time beginning in 2018. This press is looking for poetry, novels, short story collections, and multi-genre work. You can submit here.
PAPER NAUTILUS – Fiction, poetry online.
PARALLAX PRESS - Socially engaged Buddhis.
PARLOR PRESS - Parlor Press has been an independent publisher of scholarly and trade books, poetry, fiction, and other media in print and digital formats since 2002. online
PARTHIAN BOOKS (UK) - Poetry, fiction, nonfiction online.
PASSAGER BOOKS - Poetry online.
PATHFINDER PRESS - Nonfiction online.
PAUL DRY - Fiction, nonfiction online.
PAY COCK PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction online.
PEBBLEBROOK PRESS - Fiction, poetry online.
PEEPAL TREE PRESS (UK) - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
PELEKINESIS - Fiction online.
PEN AND ANVIL PRESS – Poetry, chapbooks online.
PENN STATE UNIVERSITY - Nonfiction, art online.
PENNED IN THE MARGINS (UK) - Fiction online.
PERSEA BOOKS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
PERUGIA PRESS - Poetry online.
PHOENICIA PUBLISHING - Poetry, art online.
PHONEME MEDIA - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations online.
PINT-SIZE PUBLICATIONS - Nonfiction online.
PIONEERS PRESS – Nonfiction online.
PLAIN VIEW PRESS – Poetry, fiction, nonfiction online.
PLAN B PRESS - Poetry online.
PLATYPUS PRESS (UK) – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
PLAYS INVERSE - Screenplays, drama online.
PLEASURE BOAT STUDIO – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
PLUTO PRESS - Politics, social science online.
PM PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, pamphlets online.
POETIC MATRIX PRESS - Poetry online.
POETRY SALZBURG (AUSTRIA) - Poetry, translations, chapbooks, anthologies online.
POLIS BOOKS - Fiction, subversive & satire
POLTROON PRESS - Fiction, poetry, art, film online.
PORKBELLY PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, chapbooks, broadsides online.
PORTAGE PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
PRESS 53 - Press 53 publishes poetry and short fiction collections by widely published authors based in the United States and its territories, online.
PRESS AMERICANA/HOLLYWOOD BOOKS/THE POETRY PRESS - Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, drama online.
PRICKLY PARADIGM PRESS - Nonfiction, art online.
PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS – Poetry in translation, nonfiction online.
PROCESS MEDIA – Nonfiction, art online.
PROPELLER BOOKS - Fiction, nonfiction online.
PROSPECT PARK BOOKS - Fiction, nonfiction online.
PUBLISHING GENIUS PRESS - Fiction, poetry online.
PURDUE UNIVERSITY PRESS - Nonfiction online.
QOMMUNICATE PUBLISHING – Qommunicate Publishing is the imprint of Qommunity Media LLC, giving voice to the margins by publishing and producing work by and about LGBTQ+ people, online.
QUALE PRESS - Poetry, fiction, nonfiction online.
QUATTRO BOOKS (CANADA) – Fiction, poetry online.
RADIOACTIVE CLOUD – Poetry, chapbooks online.
RAGGED SKY PRESS – Poetry online.
RAIN MOUNTAIN PRESS - Poetry, fiction, novellas, memoir, graphic novels, hybrid works online.
RARE BIRD BOOKS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
RAVENNA PRESS – Fiction, poetry online.
RAW DOG SCREAMING PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, children's/YA online.
REAKTION BOOKS (UK) - Nonfiction, art, architecture, photography online.
RED BIRD CHAPBOOKS - Poetry, chapbooks online.
RED DIRT PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
RED DRAGONFLY PRESS - Poetry, translation online.
RED FLAG POETRY - Poetry, chapbooks online.
RED HEN PRESS – Poetry, fiction, nonfiction online.
RED MOUNTAIN PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
RED WHEEL/WEISER – Self-help online.
REDBAT BOOKS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
REDBONE PRESS - Fiction, poetry online.
TACHYON PUBLISHING – Fiction online.
TAILWINDS PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction online.
TALON BOOKS - Poetry, fiction, drama, nonfiction online.
TAMMY CHAPBOOKS - Poetry, cross-genre, chapbooks online.
TANGERINE PRESS (UK) - Poetry online.
TARPAULIN SKY PRESS – Poetry, fiction, cross-genre online.
TAVERN BOOKS - Poetry, translations online.
TEACHER’S COLLEGE PRESS - Education, nonfiction, textbooks online.
TEBOT BACH – Poetry online.
TELEGRAM BOOKS (UK) – Fiction, translations online.
TELOS PRESS - Politics, philosophy, critical theory, culture online.
TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS – Humanities, social sciences, art, coffee table books, drama online.
TERRA NOVA BOOKS - Fiction, nonfiction, children's/YA online.
TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY PRESS - History, social sciences, natural sciences, multicultural/women's studies online.
TEXAS REVIEW PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography, full-length books, chapbooks, anthologies online.
TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY PRESS - Natural history/sciences, poetry, fiction online.
THEATRE COMMUNICATIONS GROUP - Nonfiction, drama, translations online.
THE CENTER FOR LITERARY PUBLISHING – Home of Colorado Review, the Colorado Prize for Poetry, the Nelligan Prize for Short Fiction, and the Mountain West Poetry Series, online.
THE CULTURAL SOCIETY – Fiction, poetry, art online.
THE FEMINIST PRESS AT CUNY - Fiction, nonfiction online.
THE HEAD & THE HAND PRESS - Nonfiction, fiction, anthologies, chapbooks online.
THE LETTERED STREETS PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
THE LIT PUB – Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, hybrid works online.
THE MANTLE - Fiction, nonfiction online.
THE MIT PRESS – Nonfiction, art, photography online.
THE OPERATING SYSTEM - Poetry, chapbooks online.
THE PERMANENT PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction online.
THE POET’S PRESS/YOGH & THORN BOOKS - Poetry, anthologies online.
THE PORCUPINE’S QUILL (CANADA) – Poetry, nonfiction, art online.
THE SONG CAVE – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations online.
THE TEXT PUBLISHING COMPANY (AUSTRALIA) - Fiction, nonfiction online.
THIRD MAN BOOKS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
THISTLEDOWN PRESS (CANADA) - Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, young adult online.
THORNTREE PRESS – Nonfiction online.
THREE ROOMS PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
THRICE PUBLISHING - Poetry, fiction, anthologies online.
TIA CHURCHA PRESS - Poetry, anthologies online.
TIGER BARK PRESS - Nonfiction, poetry online.
TIGHTROPE BOOKS (CANADA) – Poetry, fiction, anthologies, art, nonfiction online.
TILBURY HOUSE - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, children's/YA online.
TILTED AXIS PRESS (UK) - Translations online.
TIMELESS, INFINITE LIGHT – Poetry, chapbooks, anthologies online.
TIN HOUSE BOOKS – Tin House Books launched in 2005 as an offshoot of Tin House magazine, an eclectic literary journal that focuses on established and emerging writers in fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Tin House publishes an average of 12 beautifully produced books per year. Recent offerings include Grow Your Own, There Are More Beautiful Things Than Beyoncé, and Ursula K. Le Guin: Conversations on Writing.
TINDERBOX EDITIONS - Nonfiction, poetry online.
TINFISH PRESS – Poetry, fiction, chapbooks online.
TOAD PRESS – Fiction, poetry, translations, chapbooks online.
TOLSUN BOOKS – Fiction, poetry, cross-genre online.
TORREY HOUSE PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction online
TRAMP PRESS - Fiction online.
TRANSGREE PRESS - Nonfiction online.
TRANSIT BOOKS - Fiction, translations online.
TREMBLING PILLOW PRESS - Nonfiction, poetry, translations, chapbooks online.
TRILLIUM – Fiction, nonfiction online.
TRINITY UNIVERSITY PRESS – Regional nonfiction, literature, poetry online.
TRIO HOUSE PRESS – Poetry online.
TRIQUARTERLY BOOKS - Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, drama online.
TRNSFR – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art online.
TRUMAN STATE UNIVERSITY PRESS – Nonfiction, poetry, art online.
TU BOOKS - Multicultural speculative fiction for Children/YA online.
TUPELO PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
TURNING POINT – Poetry online.
TURNSTONE PRESS (CANADA) - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
TURTLE POINT PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations online.
TWISTED SPOON PRESS (CZECH REPUBLIC) - Central/Eastern European fiction, poetry, nonfiction online.
TWISTI PRESS – Poetry online.
TWO DOLLAR RADIO – A husband-and-wife operation, Two Dollar Radio is an Ohio-based press that specializes in novels, essays, and graphic novels. Recent offerings include They Can't Kill Us Until They Kill Us, The Vine That Ate the South, and Found Audio.
TWO LINES PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations online.
TWO OF CUPS PRESS – Poetry, chapbooks, anthologies online.
TWO SYLVIAS PRESS - Poetry, chapbooks online.
UGLY DUCKLING PRESS – This Brooklyn-based, nonprofit press was developed from a 1990’s zine by a group of editorial volunteers. Since then, it has published over 200 titles of poetry, experimental nonfiction, translation, and more. They focus mainly on emerging and International writers, but they love to feature unique artwork as well.
UNICORN PRESS - Poetry online.
UNIVERSITY OF AKRON PRESS - Poetry, nonfiction, Ohio online.
UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA PRESS - Scholarly works, nonfiction, fiction, art online.
UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA PRESS - Alaska, Canada, Siberia, Scandinavia scholarly works online
UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA PRESS - Scholarly works, reference books, nonfiction online.
UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA PRESS – Regional nonfiction, art, fiction, poetry online
UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS PRESS - Poetry, history, civil rights, Middle East studies, regional studies online.
UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PRESS - Political science, native studies, forestry online.
UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY PRESS – Scholarly works online.
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS - Humanities, social sciences, natural sciences online.
UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS - Poetry, scholarly works, reference books online.
UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE PRESS – Literary studies, scholarly works online.
UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA PRESS – Scholarly works, art online.
UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII PRESS – Asian Americans, Hawaii, Pacific nonfiction, poetry, art online.
UNIVERSITY OF HELL PRESS – Poetry, anthologies online.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS - Scholarly works online.
UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, children's/YA online.
UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA AT LAFAYETTE PRESS – Fiction, history, culture, art online.
UNIVERSITY OF MAINE PRESS – Cultural heritage of the Maine region.
UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTES PRESS - Scholarly works, nonfiction online.
UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PRESS - Scholarly works, nonfiction, fiction, art online.
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PRESS - Translations, scholarly works, art, fiction online.
UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PRESS/BISON BOOKS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA PRESS – Scholarly works, regional nonfiction, fiction online.
UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO PRESS - Scholarly works online.
UNIVERSITY OF NEW ORLEANS PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA PRESS – Scholarly works, fiction, poetry, art online.
UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS PRESS – Poetry, fiction, humanities, social sciences.
UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS – Scholarly works, poetry, fiction online.
UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA PRESS - Scholarly works, American West, American Indians, art, fiction online.
UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA PRESS – Scholarly works, art, French, bilingual, poetry, fiction online.
UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PRESS - Scholarly works, humanities, social sciences online.
UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND PRESS - Australian poetry, fiction, scholarly works online.
UNIVERSITY OF ROCKESTER PRESS – Scholarly works, fiction online.
UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction online.
UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE PRESS – Fiction, scholarly works, reference books, history online.
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PRESS – Scholarly works, regional nonfiction, fiction, drama, art online.
UNIVERSITY OF UTAH PRESS – Nonfiction, poetry online.
UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA PRESS - Nonfiction, poetry online.
UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS – Scholarly works, literature online.
UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
UNIVERSITY PRESS OF COLORADO – Scholarly works, regional nonfiction online.
UNIVERSITY PRESS OF FLORIDA – Scholarly works, regional nonfiction, literature, art online.
UNIVERSITY PRESS OF KANSAS – Scholarly works, regional nonfiction, fiction, art online.
UNIVERSITY PRESS OF KENTUCKY - Poetry, scholarly works, regional nonfiction, art online.
UNIVERSITY PRESS OF MISSISSIPPI - Nonfiction, poetry, photography online.
UNLIKELY STORIES - Poetry online.
UNNAMED PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction online.
UNSOLICITED PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
UNTHANK BOOKS (UK) - Fiction, nonfiction online.
UPPER BOOT BOOKS - Poetry, fiction online.
UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY PRESS – Fiction, poetry, folklore, regional nonfiction, scholarly works online.
VALLEY PRESS (UK) - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
VALLUM CHAPBOOKS - Poetry, chapbooks online.
VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY PRESS - Scholarly works online.
VEHICULE PRESS - Poetry, fiction, essays, translations, social history online.
VELIZ BOOKS - Fiction, poetry, translations online.
VERGE BOOKS - Poetry, translation online.
VERSE CHORUS PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction online.
VERSO BOOKS - Nonfiction, art online.
VINE LEAVES PRESS - Vine Leaves Press aims to blur the lines between literary and commercial literature.
VOICE OF WITNESS – Nonfiction, anthologies online.
W.W. NORTON & CO – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
WAKEFIELD PRESS – Translations online.
WAVE BOOKS - Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, translation online.
WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, drama, children's/YA online.
THE WAYWISER PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY PRESS - Nonfiction, poetry online.
WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY PRESS/VANDALIA PRESS – Poetry, fiction, nonfiction online.
WESTERN PRESS BOOKS - Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, anthologies online.
WHAT BOOKS PRESS - Poetry, fiction, essays, art online.
WHISKEY TIT - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre online.
WHITE PINE PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations online.
WILD AGE PRESS - Chapbooks, poetry online.
WILD OCEAN PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
WILFRID LAURIER UNIVERSITY PRESS - Scholarly works, monographs, textbooks.
WILLOW BOOKS – Fiction, poetry online.
WILLOW SPRINGS BOOKS – Fiction, poetry online.
WINTER GOOSE PUBLISHING – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, children's/YA online.
WOLSAK & WYNN PUBLISHERS (CANADA) - Poetry, fiction, nonfiction online.
WOMEN’S PRESS (CANADA) – Feminist poetry, fiction, nonfiction online.
WONDER – poetry online.
WOODHALL PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
THE WORLD WORKS - Poetry online.
WORDFAM - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
WORLD EDITIONS (NETHERLANDS) - Fiction, nonfiction, translations online.
WRITE BLOODY PUBLISHING – Poetry, short fiction online.
WTAW PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction online.
WUNDOR EDITIONS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
XI DRACONIS BOOKS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art online.
ZAK PRESS - Poetry, chapbooks online.
YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS - Scholarly works, art, translations online.
YELLOW FLAG PRESS - Fiction, poetry, chapbooks online.
YESYES BOOKS - Poetry online.
YOUTH IN DECLINE - Comics, chapbooks online.
ZED BOOKS - Nonfiction, fiction online.
ZEPHYR PRESS - Poetry, translations online.
ZONE 3 PRESS - Poetry, nonfiction online.
ZONE BOOKS - Nonfiction online.
ZUBAAN – Feminist, scholarly works, Hindi works online.
REGAL HOUSE PUBLISHING - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
RESCUE PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre online.
RESTLESS BOOKS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography, graphic novels online.
RICOCHET EDITIONS – Fiction, poetry online.
RINKY DINK PRESS – Poetry, chapbooks online.
RIXDORF EDITIONS - Fiction, nonfiction, translations online.
RONSDALE PRESS (CANADA) – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
ROOF BOOKS - Nonfiction, poetry online.
ROSE METAL PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
ROSEWAY PUBLISHING – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama online.
ROUNDABOUT PRESS - Fiction online.
ROUTE (UK) - Poetry, fiction online
ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD PUBLISHERS INC. – Nonfiction, literary studies online
RUNNING PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction online.
RUTGERS UNIVERSITY PRESS - Humanities, social sciences, sciences online.
RYGA FICTION - Nonfiction, poetry, chapbooks online.
SAD PRESS – Poetry, chapbooks online.
SADDLE ROAD PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, chapbooks online.
SAGE HILL PRESS – Poetry, anthologies online.
SAGGING MENISCUS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
SALMON POETRY - Irish poetry online.
SALT PUBLISHING - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, children's/YA online.
SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY PRESS – Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, art online.
SAND PAPER PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
SANDSTONE PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction online.
SANTA FE WRITERS PROJECT BOOKS – Fiction, nonfiction online.
SARABENDE BOOKS - Fiction, poetry online.
SASQUATCH BOOKS - Nonfiction, children's/YA online.
SATURNALIA BOOKS – Poetry online.
SCABLANDS BOOKS - Poetry, anthologies online.
SCARLET TANAGER BOOKS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
SCHAFFNER PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, anthologies online.
SCRAMBLER BOOKS – Poetry, fiction online.
SCRIBE PUBLICATIONS (AUSTRALIA) – Fiction, nonfiction online.
SEAGULL BOOKS - World literature, nonfiction, art, photography online.
SEAL PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, self-help by women online.
SECOND STORY PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, children's/YA online.
SEE SHARP PRESS - Nonfiction, self-help, pamphlets online
SELCOUTH STATION PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, chapbooks online.
SEMIOTEXT(e) - Poetry, fiction, theory, nonfiction, satire, science online.
SENECA REVIEW BOOKS - Nonfiction, cross-genre online.
SEPTEMBER PUBLISHING (UK) - Nonfiction online
SERAPHEMERA BOOKS - Comics, graphic novels, chapbooks online.
SEREN BOOKS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
SERPENTS TAIL PUBLISHING (UK) – Fiction, nonfiction.
SERVING HOUSE BOOKS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
SETTLEMENT HOUSE - Poetry online.
SEVEN STORIES PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction online.
SHABDA PRESS - Poetry online.
SHADE MOUNTAIN PRESS - Fiction online.
SHAMBHALA PUBLICATIONS - Religion, philosophy, self-help, nonfiction, poetry, art online.
SHANTI ARTS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art online.
SHEARSMAN BOOKS (UK) - Poetry online.
SHEEP MEADOW PRESS - Poetry, belles-lettres, translations online.
SHOESTRING PRESS - Press poetry, fiction online.
SHORT FLIGHT/LONG DRIVE BOOKS - Short Flight/Long Drive Books is currently accepting submissions. They are looking for poetry collections, short story collections, nonfiction, novels, novellas, and essay collections. Their authors include Chloe Caldwell, Elizabeth Ellen, Chelsea Martin, and others. Go for it!
SIBLING RIVALRY PRESS - Poetry, chapbooks online.
SIDEBROW BOOKS - Poetry online.
SIDEKICK BOOKS – Poetry, anthologies online.
SIGLIO PRESS – Literary-visual hybrids. image-text works, artist-writer collaborations online.
SIGNATURE EDITIONS (CANADA) - Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, drama online.
SLAPERING HOL PRESS - Poetry, anthologies, chapbooks online.
SLATE ROOF PRESS - Known for our limited edition, art-quality chapbooks, since 2004 the collaborative Slate Roof Press has published Massachusetts, regional, and national poets through our annual contest.
SLOPE EDITIONS - Poetry online.
SMALL BEER PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art online.
SMALL FIRE PRESS - Broadsides, chapbooks online.
SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION PRESS – History, science, art online.
SNAKE NATION PRESS – Fiction, poetry online.
SOFT SKULL PRESS – Poetry, fiction, memoir, art, comics, music online.
SOHO PRESS – Fiction online.
SOLID OBJECTS – Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, drama online.
SOLSTICELIT BOOKS – Fiction, poetry, anthologies online.
SONDER PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction online.
SOUTHEAST MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY PRESS - Nonfiction, fiction, drama, poetry, art online.
SPLIT LIP PRESS - Fiction, poetry online.
SPLITLEVEL TEXTS – Poetry online.
SPOOKY GIRLFRIEND PRESS – Poetry chapbooks online.
SPORK PRESS – Poetry online.
SPURL EDITIONS – Nonfiction, art, photography online.
SPUYTEN DUYVIL - Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, film, art online.
STAKKING HORSE PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
STANDING STONE BOOKS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS - Drama, poetry, fiction, nonfiction online.
STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK PRESS - Humanities, social sciences online.
STEERFORTH PRESS - Poetry, fiction, nonfiction online.
STILLHOUSE PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
STONE BRIDGE PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry online.
STONE PIER PRESS – Nonfiction, memoir, guidebooks, children's/YA online.
SUBITO PRESS - Poetry, fiction, chapbooks online.
SUMMERTIME PUBLICATIONS - Fiction, nonfiction.
SUNBURY PRESS, INC. – Sunbury Press is a traditional trade publisher based in Pennsylvania, publishing many nonfiction and fiction categories. We currently manage over 250 authors and 500 titles.
SUNDRESS PUBLICATIONS - Poetry, chapbooks online.
SUNNYOUTSIDE - Poetry, nonfiction, fiction online.
SUNSHOT PRESS – Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre online.
SUNSTONE PRESS - Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, Southwest online.
SUTRA PRESS – Poetry, chapbooks online.
SWAN ISLE PRESS - Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translations online.
SWAN SCYTHE PRESS - Poetry online.
SWITCHBACK BOOKS - Poetry online.
SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY PRESS – Nonfiction, artwork, poetry.
** I kept this segment very minimal, adding only the big name self publishing sites. There are many, many more. In today’s age many authors and other people in the industry recommend starting off in the world of self publishing, not only as a means to learn about authoring, but also because agents and traditional publishers have become more selective all across the board, from getting deals to the terms of them. And yet, if you are trying to get a more mainstream traditional publishing deal, this info may only help prepare you better for it, even if you do not use these sites.
48 HOUR BOOKS.COM – Fast turn around book printing, stand up reputation verified by Will McCoy.
AMAZON.COM CREATESPACE - Probably the biggest most infamous do it yourself publishing site.
LULU PRINTING - A favorite book printing and self publishing site that Will McCoy uses to print author/personal copies of his work. You can sell them on the site yourself also.
LULU EXPRESS - Same company as, different formats, styles and faster printing.
XLIBRIS - Top quality publishing site.
These are the magazines, some well known, others smaller and online based that often take submissions from writers and poets of all kinds, whether amateur or professional. Not a complete list, but most of the major magazines are included here and often this is the best place to start on your journey to being published.
AGNI – Today AGNI comprises a large, engaged roster of editors, writers, curators, interns, ambassadors, advisors, and friends. As in the beginning, our deepest commitment is to finding and fostering new talents, but a historical statement would be incomplete without mention of the six AGNI writers who have gone on to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.
ALSKA QUARTERLY REVIEW – Alaska Quarterly Review is a literary journal devoted to contemporary literary art, publishing fiction, short plays, poetry, photo essays, and literary non-fiction in traditional and experimental styles. It is published by the University of Alaska Anchorage in partnership with the Center for the Narrative and Lyric Arts. The editors encourage new and emerging writers, while continuing to publish award winning and established writers.
AMERICAN POETRY REVIEW – The American Poetry Review is dedicated to reaching a worldwide audience with a diverse array of the best contemporary poetry and literary prose. APR also aims to expand the audience interested in poetry and literature, and to provide authors, especially poets, with a far-reaching forum in which to present their work. The American Poetry Review has been in continuous publication since 1972 and has presented the work of over 5,000 writers.
AMERICAN SHORT FICTION – American Short Fiction was founded in 1991 by Laura Furman at the University of Texas Press, in cooperation with the Texas Center for Writers and “The Sound of Writing” broadcast on National Public Radio. It quickly gained a national reputation for first-rate fiction. The magazine is a two-time finalist for the National Magazine Award for Fiction, and in 2019 was selected as a winner of the Whiting Literary Magazine Prize. American Short Fiction is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and is based in Austin, Texas.
ANOTHEREALM - “Via PA: This is a monthly e-zine, publishing two full length (up to 5,000 words) stories a month, for which they pay $25 for electronic rights only. They read and decide on all stories by October 31, to be published the following year. They also have "Flash Fiction" stories limited to 1,000 words, no pay, accepted year round, and contest stories based on contest topics, no pay, every two months. Obviously no place to get rich, but this could be good for talented beginners who need exposure. Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror; no pornography. February 2008 update: I read one of their stories, about a peeper on the beach. Nice surprise ending. February 2009 update: News of a lawsuit against them, apparently one of a number filed by Barbara Bauer, who objects to being called a scam. One source says "Barbara Bauer, named as one of the publishing industry's 20 worst Literary Agents, has sued over 19 bloggers and website administrators for allegedly defaming..." Another item says her lawsuit against Wikipedia was dismissed. Apparently this has been going on for a year or so; that's all I know. January 2010 update: But they are still there, with no hint of a problem on their site. January 2012 update: Still no indication of problems on their site. But be wary.”
ANTIOCH REVIEW – The Antioch Review, a small independent literary magazine founded in 1941 in a small town in the cornfields of Ohio, is one of the oldest, continuously publishing literary magazines in America. Publishing essays, fiction, and poetry from promising and prominent authors, the Antioch Review has an international readership and reputation of publishing the “best words in the best order” for over 75 years. The original mission statement--“We believe in the promise of American life and we would seek the seeds of that promise. This is our purpose in founding a magazine”--has remained essentially intact throughout the Review's 75-year history. The content of the Review has evolved over the years, with the balance between social and literary matters changing, yet the Review has remained committed to commenting on the temper of the times in story, poem, and essay.
APHELION - “Via PA: This is an online magazine that doesn't pay for material but should be a good market for exposure of your fiction. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, or Poetry. Stories under 7,500 words are sent to one editorial office, and longer ones to another. They have a "Mare Inebrium" category; I don't know whether there's any connection to Xanth's Mare Imbrium, who brings daydreams. October 2008 update: I learned something I didn't know: "Fan Fiction" is not fiction written by fans, as I had thought, but is anything that involves copyrighted characters or institutions from Star Trek, Star Wars, etc. That is, fictionalizing about copyrighted characters or settings.”
A PUBLIC SPACE - A Public Space is an independent nonprofit publisher of an eponymous award-winning literary, arts, and culture magazine, and A Public Space Books. Under the direction of founding editor Brigid Hughes since 2006, it has been our mission to seek out overlooked and unclassifiable work, and to publish writing from beyond established confines. Subscribe today, and join the conversation.
BARROW STREET – Barrow Street Inc. is a nonprofit literary arts organization that was started in Greenwich Village, NYC in 1994 to provide community outreach and host literary events featuring emerging and established poets. Since 1998, after nonprofit incorporation, we have published the prizewinning journal, Barrow Street. Each year we also publish a prizewinning poetry collection chosen by a distinguished contest judge. Select finalists are also eligible for publication and are reviewed by an all-volunteer board of editors, contributing editors, and outside reviewers. We publish up to four collections a year. Click here for submission guidelines.
BLACK WARRIOR REVIEW – BWR publishes fiction, nonfiction, poetry, comics, and art twice a year. Contributors include Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award winners alongside emerging writers. Work appearing in BWR has been reprinted in the Pushcart Prize series, Best American Short Stories, Best American Poetry, PEN/Robert J. Dau Short Story Prize, New Stories from the South, and other anthologies.
BOULEVARD – Boulevard was founded in 1984 in New York City and incorporated in 1985 as a nonprofit by writer Richard Burgin. Its first issue, published January 2, 1986, featured fiction by Nobel laureate Isaac Bashevis Singer, poetry by Kenneth Koch, and interviews with renowned composers Philip Glass and Steve Reich and an essay on John Dos Passos and the Soviet Cinema. By its third issue in 1987, Boulevard had attained national bookstore distribution, which continues into the present.
CHICAGO REVIEW - Since 1946, Chicago Review has published a range of contemporary poetry, fiction, and criticism. Each year typically includes two single issues and a double issue with a special feature section. We are located at 935 East 60th Street, Chicago IL 60637. During the preparation of our 50th anniversary retrospective issue, we wrote to many of the former editors of Chicago Review and asked them to provide us with brief, anecdotal sketches of the operations of the magazine during their tenure on the staff. Most of these anecdotes have been woven into the notes accompanying the works reprinted in this anthology. We have chosen to print some longer excerpts from the sketches here to portray the various communities of editors who have sustained the publication of Chicago Review.
COLORADO REVIEW – The Center for Literary Publishing dynamically partners with writers to bring exceptionally written and published fiction, poetry, and nonfiction to readers through a variety of platforms—notably, Colorado Review and CLP books. Training and cultivating the publishing professionals of tomorrow, the CLP invites graduate student interns to participate in every aspect of the publication process. Home of Colorado Review, the Colorado Prize for Poetry, the Nelligan Prize for Short Fiction, and the Mountain West Poetry Series, the CLP was established in 1992 as part of the English Department at Colorado State University. Stephanie G’Schwind is the Center’s director and Editor-in-Chief of Colorado Review.
CONJUCNTIONS - Bard College’s literary journal Conjunctions publishes innovative fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction by emerging voices and contemporary masters. For over three decades, Conjunctions has challenged accepted forms and styles, with equal emphasis on groundbreaking experimentation and rigorous quality. We are committed to launching and supporting the careers of unknown authors—William T. Vollmann, David Foster Wallace, and Karen Russell all had some of their very first publications in Conjunctions—while providing a space for better-known voices like Joyce Carol Oates or William H. Gass to work outside audience expectations.
CRAZY HORSE PRESS – Crazyhorse welcomes general submissions of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry from September 1st through May 31st, with the exception of January 1st to January 31st, during which we only accept entries for the Crazyhorse Prizes. We also accept entries for Crazyshorts! our short-short fiction contest from July 1st through July 31st.
DIY BOOK FESTIVAL - “Via PA: The letters stand for Do It Yourself. They consider books in many genres for awards, charging a $10-$50 entry fee for each book. They have regular contests, so if you miss one deadline, try for the next. Anything published from 2005 on is eligible, including self published (POD) books. Their grand prize for the Book of the Year is $1,500.”
ECCOTONE – Ecotone’s mission is to publish and promote the best place-based work being written today. Founded at the University of North Carolina Wilmington in 2005, the award-winning magazine features writing and art that reimagine place, and our authors interpret this charge expansively. An ecotone is a transition zone between two adjacent ecological communities, containing the characteristic species of each. It is therefore a place of danger or opportunity, a testing ground. The magazine explores the ecotones between landscapes, literary genres, scientific and artistic disciplines, modes of thought.
EPOCH – For poetry, submit no more than five poems in one envelope. We consider poetry in all forms, including the long poem. For fiction, submit no more than one story per envelope and no more than three short short stories per envelope. We consider fiction in all forms, short, short to novella length. We do not publish literary criticism or book reviews. You may make more than one submission at a time in either fiction or poetry, but each submission must be in a separate envelope. Submissions of graphic art, graphic fiction, and cartoons should be as pdf on disk; the editors assume no responsibility for the safe return of such submissions, so, please, retain copies of this kind of work.
ESCMAGAZINE - “Via PA: The PDF version of this magazine is available for $3, with older issue free to download. It's for amateur writers and artists of all kinds. They get paid only in one hard copy of the magazine. So this would be a showcase for aspiring artists. August 2003 Update: Gone. October 2004 update: They're back, and are now accepting submissions for future issues. Fiction from 2,500 to 5,000 words, poetry, and artwork.”
FIVE POINTS – Since the publication of its inaugural issue in 1996, Five Points has become one of this country’s best literary magazines. Published three times a year by the Georgia State University Department of English, each issue features poetry, fiction, essays, and interviews with the most compelling writers working today. Philip Levine calls Five Points “A refreshing combination of the old and the new. The best literary magazine I’ve read in ages!” Five Points is ranked in the top ten magazines in the nation by Every Writer’s Resource. Works first published in Five Points have been selected to appear in Best American Short Stories, Best American Poetry, O’Henry Prize Stories, Pushcart Best of the Small Presses, New Stories from the South, Utne Reader, Harper’s, and Poetry Daily. Previous contributors include Richard Bausch, Ann Beattie, Frederick Busch, Edward Hirsch, Barbara Hamby, David Kirby, Philip Levine, W.S. Merwin, Joyce Carol Oates, Naomi Shihab Nye, Ellen Bryant Voigt, Christine Stewart, Martin Walls, Charles Wright and many others.
FROM THE UNKNOWN — “Via PA: This is an effort to finance and start a magazine dedicated to unpublished writers; only they can contribute stories to it. It does not yet exist, but will if the funding comes through. July 2015 update: the proprietor reports that the crowd-funding campaign to get the magazine launched has been a horrific failure. He is proceeding anyway, adjusting to the heavy weather. Authors will earn 1% per thousand words, from each copy sold, when the money comes in. So if one copy sold, that would not be much, but if thousands of copies sold, it could add up. In Year Two he hopes to pay upfront. I suggest that if you are unpublished and have a suitable piece, send it in to help the magazine succeed, rather than with the hope of riches. Maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised.”
GAMUT MAGAZINE – Author Richard Thomas’s literary magazine, owner of Darkhouse Press, mostly defunct and not accepting submissions but a good resource and contact.
GLIMMER TRAIN - Glimmer Train is one of the most respected short-story journals in print and has actively championed emerging writers from the beginning. The magazine is represented in recent editions of the Pushcart Prize: Best of the Small Presses, New Stories from the Midwest, the O. Henry Prize Stories, New Stories from the South, Best of the West, New Stories from the Southwest, Best American Short Stories, and The Best American Nonrequired Reading.
GRANTA – From Nobel laureates to debut novelists, international translations to investigative journalism, each themed issue of Granta turns the attention of the world’s best writers on to one aspect of the way we live now. Granta does not have a political or literary manifesto, but it does have a belief in the power and urgency of the story and its supreme ability to describe, illuminate and make real. Granta magazine was founded in 1889 by students at Cambridge University as The Granta, a periodical of student politics, badinage and literary enterprise, named after the river that runs through the town. In this original incarnation it published the work of writers like A.A. Milne, Michael Frayn, Stevie Smith, Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath.
HARPER’S MAGAZINE – Harper’s Magazine, the oldest general-interest monthly in America, explores the issues that drive our national conversation, through long-form narrative journalism and essays, and such celebrated features as the iconic Harper’s Index. With its emphasis on fine writing and original thought Harper’s provides readers with a unique perspective on politics, society, the environment, and culture. The essays, fiction, and reporting in the magazine’s pages come from promising new voices, as well as some of the most distinguished names in American letters, among them Annie Dillard, Barbara Ehrenreich, Jonathan Franzen, Mary Gaitskill, David Foster Wallace, and Tom Wolfe.
HARVARD REVIEW - Harvard Review publishes new poetry, essays, fiction, drama, criticism, book reviews, and interviews. From its beginnings, the journal has been committed to showcasing the work of emerging writers alongside established voices—or, as we like to think of it, publishing writers who will be famous next to writers who already are.
HOLT UNCENSORED - “Via PA: This is mainly about traditional publishing, tracking its follies. As such, it can be an education for starry-eyed aspiring writers. Worth checking on general principles. Read a sample column; I suspect that fans of my monthly HiPiers column will like Holt, too. December 2004 update: Random sampling took me to ten mistakes writers make, and it is an excellent discussion. Holt remains well worth reading. December 2006 update: It is on hiatus now, because of family health concerns, but the site remains with its original material. December 2008 update: It is active now, with a list of three things he'd like to see, the first being Online Royalty Accounts for Authors. It makes sense, but traditional publishers seem stuck in the 19th century and are loath to try the 20th, let alone the 21st. November 2011 update: It remains active. November 2012 update: There's a lot here, with archives going back over four years. October 2013 update: This time there's a long review of Narcopolis, which seems to be a savagely graphic anti-woman novel. Then sour comments about the hugeness of the Random House complex. And Amazon. These are matters worth pondering. Holt is one cynical man. November 2014 update: This continues to be a site to browse.”
JOHN HOPKIN’S REVIEW - A well known magazine/small press located at JH University.
KENYON REVIEW – Building on a tradition of excellence dating back to 1939, the Kenyon Review has evolved from a distinguished literary magazine to a pre-eminent arts organization. Today, KR is devoted to nurturing, publishing, and celebrating the best in contemporary writing. We’re expanding the community of diverse readers and writers, across the globe, at every stage of their lives.
LOCUS – Good web extension of the long-standing print source for sf/f publishing.
MCSWEENY’S - McSweeney’s is a nonprofit publishing company based in San Francisco. As well as operating a daily humor website, we also publish Timothy McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern, Illustoria Magazine, and an ever-growing selection of books under various imprints. You can buy all of these things from our online store.
MICHIGAN QUARTERLY REVIEW – Michigan Quarterly Review is an interdisciplinary and international literary journal, combining distinctive voices in poetry, fiction, and nonfiction, as well as works in translation. Our work extends online as well, where we publish cultural commentary alongside reviews and interviews with writers, artists, and cultural figures around the world. The flagship literary journal of the University of Michigan, our magazine embraces creative urgency and cultural relevance, aiming to challenge conventions and address long-overdue conversations. As we continue to promote an expansive and inclusive vision, we seek work from established and emerging writers with diverse aesthetics and experiences.
NARRATIVE - Narrative is dedicated to advancing literature in the digital age by supporting the finest writing talent and encouraging reading across generations, in schools, and around the globe. Our digital library of new literature by celebrated authors and by the best new and emerging writers is available for free.
NEW ENGLAND REVIEW - “There is such a complex and satisfying ordering within the journal as a whole,” the Review Review has said, and several years ago the Boston Globe called NER “a high-class lit magazine that also happens to be secretly sexy.” Luna Park called us “one of the crispest designed and consistently fascinating high-quality literary journals around,” and in 2019 Every Writer listed NER at #5 on its list of Top 50 Literary Magazines, based on “close to 20 data points.”
NEW OHIO REVIEW - New Ohio Review is a national literary journal produced by Ohio University's Creative Writing Program. Now in its tenth year, NOR has been the recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts grant and support from the Ohio Arts Council. Work from its pages consistently appears in the Best American series and the annual Pushcart anthology.
NEW YORKER - Perhaps the most prestigious and difficult place to get published for any writer.
PLOUGHSHARES - Ploughshares has published quality literature since 1971. Our award-winning literary journal is published four times a year; our lively literary blog publishes new writing daily. Since 1989, we have been based at Emerson College in downtown Boston.
ONESTORY - Short story submittal site, to get your work seen.
PALABRAS PRESS - “Via PA: I was sent this address to be checked, but it gave me a blank screen. August 2005 update: I received a note that they have chosen to advertise in Quills Canadian Poetry Magazine. October 2005 update: They are there now with articles on writing fiction and poetry. It's a small literary ezine. October 2006 update: they have courses and workshops. They are accepting manuscripts for publication. They have announced their Third Annual International Dance With Words Poetry Contest. June 2009 update: To discuss your publishing requirements, you have to contact them at their Canadian office, by phone.”
POETRY - The Poetry Foundation, publisher of Poetry magazine, is an independent literary organization committed to a vigorous presence for poetry in our culture. It exists to discover and celebrate the best poetry and to place it before the largest possible audience.
POETS & WRITERS - Poets & Writers Magazine is the leading publication of its kind. From its earliest days as a quarterly newsletter with a distribution of a few hundred copies, Poets & Writers Magazine has addressed issues of importance to creative writers, from finding an agent to promoting one’s book. The bimonthly magazine publishes essays on the literary life, profiles of contemporary authors, and the most comprehensive listing of literary grants and awards, deadlines, and prize winners available in print. Each issue reaches more than 100,000 writers.